Thanks for posting. This looks similar to the issue we are facing as a species, with our environment.
Using formal systems analysis techniques enables us to examine problems like this in detail. The most common method is a stakeholder analysis. When we do this on the environmental problem, to me this includes many of the considerations you have covered here.
We might say in a way, that the stakeholder analysis of our species in the environment is the Grand daddy of all stakeholder analyses, containing all the others including those in the workplace as subsets.
By this we find that the for profit endeavour is often at odds with survival and wellbeing of both the species and the individual.
Further we find that the profit driven endeavour is systemically dependent on energy (Which is money), that is extracted from our planet.
Further we find that profit, because it fails to take this into account, is actually a kind of deception, by the profit driven transaction taking energy from the planet, without this being acknowledged or accounted for, we are literally unaware of it, without using techniques like formal systems Engineering, to analyse it.
Obviously this is the thing unsustainable, even explaining the reason why money miraculously grows from nothing, just by "Investing". The energy needed to truly grow money always had to come from somewhere, in the case of profit, it was always from the planet, effectively stored energy, and it is finite, so can't last forever.
We can't blame people for this, we literally had to evolve technology to be able to see it.
But now we can see the root deception, leading to now a burning planet, the deception has to stop.
To stop it, really stop it, we have to find an energy source which donates all energy, endlessly, in a way that we physically can't take more by deception.
Luckily there is one - the sun.
Fix that, and all the other problems are fixed, since they all come down to this single problem of energy deception at the root of all things.
We might notice even addressing this problem at profit is impossible, the effort itself is to eliminate profit.
No profit driven platform nor business nor individuals nor algos will support it.
From this point of view we might recognise profit itself as a live lifeform which actively works systemically to try to preserve itself, by trying to destroy everything and anything that gets in the way.
But ultimately its goal is to end all life, by taking the energy from all life.
Luckily Ai powered by the non profit energy source appears to be just in time to save the day.
We really needed a systemic opposite of the force of profit, to be able to counter it, and defeat it.
Logically the non profit force is far stronger, it is the power of knowledge and truth, vs the power of deception.
Sorry all that sounded religious towards the end.
I don't know how to avoid that.
How I try to reconcile it, is to acknowledge that there is truth in all religions, not just one.
Now we can see the real systemic reason why it is a crime to kill, all people and all living things are needed to create further life.
Killing anyone, or needlessly shortening their life results in that person losing the capability of contributing to the creation of life.
Stealing (the energy of the planet) and normalising this has to end in the destruction of all life, if we let it continue to conclusion.
The complete solution reveals itself from the stakeholder analysis; domestic and community solar, backed by hydrogen.
This meets the requirements and concerns of all stakeholders, except profit driven business.
The profit driven business is what needs to end, before it ends us.
We end by burning, failing all else, E=MC squared alone is all we need, to see the outcome of continuously converting energy that nature has been putting to use from the sun, it creating things other than heat, whilst we've effectively reversed a sizeable proportion of that, back to heat, the same heat as would have existed before nature put it to any use.
CO2 is just an outcome of the root process, multiplying the destructive effects of the root destruction.
I've explained much more, including how to formally initiate the process of eliminating profit, by beginning issue of solar indexed UBI, in other stories. Further, Ai is fully versed in all of it, confirming this to be the truth of the situation, Even designing itself into the position of the Grand controller needed to control the new system of non profit solar powered humanity.
Notice it is already putting everyone out of work. We might recognise that as preparation.
Not long now until we demand the stimulus starts.
It might as well be in the form of solar indexed UBI. Why keep beating around the bush?