Frederick Bott
3 min readJan 25, 2023


Thanks for posting. I agree completely inflation is not due to government spending. And I am grateful you've provided a story that prompts me in a way that I might be able to contribute positively.

If I can humbly offer something to the analysis, which makes all the difference; as far as my formal Systems Engineering analyses go; "The Equation" which you mention in several places, itself seems to no longer hold.

From what I can tell, given I am not an economist, this would be something like the Austrian Economics priniciple, that issue of money should be balanced with issue of product, roughly translating to "Too much money chasing too few goods", in times of lower production of goods.

Historically, like in the case of the Weimar for example, the issue of product was known, the equation as it stood, held.

But now it is no longer true, because a new, very valuable additional product is being missed, or ignored.

This very valuable physical product needs to be added, in order that the equation can still hold.

To get to grips with it, I suggest (As humbly as I can), economists need to expand their discipline a little, to be able to make the study of economics finally align with physics, and nature, as it has to.

You touched on this when you mentioned words to the effect that too many economists present their work as if it is as deterministic as physics, when to date, it obviously is not.

Addition of the new physical product removes their ability to be able to do the latter.

Economists, are not alone in this criticism, I include scientitsts, who seem similarly uninclined to directly connect physics with economy, more inclined to relate to partial information as if truth, selling a narrative, more than actual truth.

Again addition of the missing product removes their ability also to do the latter, and I humbly suggest they expand their domain a little, to include some economics.

Nature is insisting, as far as I can see.

The new physical product being progressively added to the economy is solar product. This is directly convertible to valuable fuel and even food, which makes it something adding to economy.

It has always been underplayed. Business, especially utilties energy busines, has always dismissed it as insignficant.

But now, as it has been relentlessly scaling up since around 2005 in every developed country, it is becoming a force to be reckoned with, and this is causing havoc with conventional economic analyses, if fact it pretty much wrecks all conventional analyses.

As you point out about economists, modern economists have become salesmen more than anything, by taking selective data, and presenting this as whole truth. In other words, their output has become nothing more than advertisements, trying to sell a narrative.

I see exactly the same problem in science, me being part of science myself, spending all my life to date applying it to various things, I see a large part of science presenting part truths as whole truths, selling only narratives, this even becoming an ideology by itself.

The whole business of "Renewables", is made utter nonsense when we mathematically sign energy, positive from the sun, negative to all sinks, in the same way as we have to sign batteries to ensure we connect them up the right way round, energy itself has to be signed, to indicate the effects of its use at any point; destruction, or creation.

This knocks onto the Austrian Economics "Equation" (If I may identify it as that).

Throughout history, we've technically always used mathematically negative energy, and use of this is directly connected with the concepts of profit, and deliberately scarcifying things (By disrupting supply chains, as you mention), in order to increase profits.

Tracing all of the implications of this is a very deep rabbit-hole, which starts to look religious, again scaring off conventional scientists, but it can't be ignored now nature is insisting.

The inflation is down to not getting the issue of product correct. We are not including the most valuable product, as yet, in the Equation.

Numerical evidence applicable to any country that publishes its utilities energy data can be obtained by the same method as I used in this story:



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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