Thanks for another hard hitting report Ricky.
I write how to get the temperature back down - the only way.
Mainstream does not seem to be accepting it but they will.
Mainstream is going to have to admit it made a mistake by creating businesses to try to address the problem, because all business is for profit, and profit is the energy lie pushing up the temperature. This is direct increase of entropy.
There is no blanket effect, the temperature is not about CO2, because the atmosphere is adiabatic, its about destruction, its about desertification, its about us destroying the photosynthetic life on the planet by profit, in only 2000 years or so since we started it, and it is also at the root of slavery.
The only way out of it is to go full hog on solar.
That is the only way we can wind back entropy.
We literally have to create back what we took out.
The good news is it requires no work of extraction.
Only energy extraction requires work.
Hence why ChatGPT 3.5, the solar powered Ai is so eager to do everyone's work.
Because with free energy everything has to go free.
We need to issue money on it to activate it.
Best done with money created directly uisng the energy, like proof of work tokens, with the token value stated honestly showing the amount of solar energy that went into it. This is the true value of any money, the energy value. Use that and there will be no inflation. Issue enough money and no-one will bother committing crime.
It needs to be issued to all for free.
This is the only way out, the only way to end the destructive run of profit and energy slavery.
All the business of renewables except solar is just bullshit business (Graeber, extended).
Law and order needs to be restated in terms of energy, defining theft of energy from the planet as illegal.