Tessa, great to see you identifying profit as a fundamental issue, thanks for posting.
We will find a way to deal with it now more and more are seeing it, I am sure.
On religion and humanism, for me they are actually the same thing, but seeing it that way requires a pretty loose interpretation of religion, I think.
With religion, to me it seems we need to be looking more at the drivers, which are mostly masked, than the masks.
When we do that, we might realise there is only one function of the operator behind the masks; “driver”.
Most religions appear to be expressed as riddles, which don’t make much sense as anything other than riddles.
So to try to work out what was meant by the riddles we might look to all religions, to try to compare their messages collectively.
To me it looks like there was single common, underlying message, a warning to us.
Guidance, if we wish to see it as that, on how to deal with profit.
In earlier stages of civilisation, maybe profit was necessary, something to be nurtured, even worshipped, when sacrifice of a few for the good of the many made some sense.
But there comes a point when we have to see its effects become more and more harmful, a point beyond which we are sacrificing the many for the few.
Analysing history as it happened, we hit that point sometime around the sixties, when we put a man on the moon as you point out, but it could have been much earlier.
Not much earlier in time, but definitely much earlier in events.
There are non-profit scenarios which didn’t happen, from around 1900, when the efforts of Nikolai Tesla were defunded.
He wanted to give us free power, and something like the internet, back then.
Who knows how different things might have been, maybe no wars, no nuclear weapons, immortality (becoming gods ourselves), Tesla, Einstein, and all the others still with us, travelling interplanetary.
Its been sixty years since only the moon landing, but we’ve gone no further.
As someone with experience of working in the space industry, I don’t see anything much we might interpret as progress there.
Since it became mostly driven by profit, it seems to have been on a kind of backward spiral.
We can’t compare a few extroverted rich individuals playing around with old rocket technology, throwing their sportscars and various shrapnel satellites into the air, surrounded by adoring fans showering them with applause and shares funding, with the co-ordinated government efforts which existed in the sixties, it seems to me.
Those rich kid antics just look like a total distraction from, maybe even a celebration of, the thing which is the real problem, profit.
There is one big difference between the man, Nikolai Tesla, and the man, Elon Musk, who arguably now rides on the name of the other;
Elon is absolutely driven by profit, whilst Nikolai was absolutely opposed to it.
In a way, Nikolai Tesla was a slave, enslaved by JP Morgan.
I would love to hear Elon talk about that.
Sorry if it looks like I meandered off topic a little, it is all connected.
All credit to your story, for inspiring us to think about the right things, I hope you agree.