Tell me which part you think is whacky and I will tell you why its simple truth. Profit, all profit, is one way, there is energy transfer always, because money is energy always, physically, it always has a price in KWhrs in markets, so there you see how to convert money to energy.
When you do a little work, expending some joules or KWhrs of energy, and this is returned by more joules or KWhrs or joules, via money, then you made energy profit, and if you didn't do this, then you would not live for long, because your body needs around 150 Joules minimum per second to metabolise. You get that food by money that you earned by energy profit, unless everything you eat comes directly from home grown produce, and even then what you take out from the ground as food, has more energy in it, than the work you put into tending the ground.
The only way we are going to get out of this fix, is for authorites, money issuers, banks or whoever, to start issuing money representing joules of sunlight from the sun, for free, because there is no work associated with the energy of the sun, other than setting up the infrastructure for it, no work per joule received, money representing it has to be issued for free, and all of this activity would be reversal of entropy - technical creation, reduction of temperature, because then we would be taking something that was heat, and creating things other then heat from it, instead of what we currently do, we take things that were not heat, and convert them to heat.
Please be aware everything I am telling you is the product of seven years of voluntary research on what I've seen as a global energy problem since working on PhD candidate research, after already a long career "At the top" of my trade as a systems Engineer.
The solution is simple to say, "Switch to the energy of the sun", but impossible to do at profit, and we waste an awful lot of energy beating around the bush