Tbh I think it needs more than discussion, it needs smashed, debunked, it isn't science. It's pseudo science, everyone involved should be thrown in the same can as the "scientists" that thought it would be a good idea to make covid vaccines into a business for profit.
They've done zero Systems analysis, because any system analysis shows it is a bad idea, and they are already doing it, some high profile academic establishments, driven by VC investor frenzy, which they whipped up for it, it's a cult that risks not only their lives but all life on the planet.
They generated a lot of the blurb for it using ChatGPT, which was at a very early stage in its learning. We have to consider those early days as it being in infancy, but it's words we're used to sell a world threatening idea as something cool.
This is whilst we are in process, driven by the environment, of going solar powered, photosynthetic. All the work I've done over the past seven years is to show how and why it's happening, and even the real part ChatGPT plays in it, from an energy point of view.
Making the switch from dependence on the energy of the planet, to the energy of the sun requires a single radical change to what we do with money.
Profit is extracted energy, exclusively drawn from the planet, and it's actually an unfair, unnatural proposition, that one person has to provide the energy of another, it's a kind of masked theft, masked by us coming to accept it "Or else", at threat of atrocity by the most brutal, not particularly clever humans in history.
Its turned us into energy slaves, every one of us, in this mode we hoover all the energy of the planet, all 8 billion of us, we ransak the planet for the benefit of the most brutal humans in history.
Nobody knew it would come to threaten the planet. At least not many, and the ones who might have, were made examples of, to discourage anyone else following their example.
This had to traumatise the population in a way that before that, was reserved for only nature. Being trauma-taught by nature is something that naturally should happen, to keep us on the rails of adapting to the natural environment.
Being trauma taught by other humans, is just some humans hijacking the techniques used by nature to train us to adapt only to the self interests of a few other humans.
This is how a whole species was corrupted to lose sight of the requirements of nature.
But look, it's unsustainable, we were always on a collision course with nature when we ambarked on a course of humanity being controlled by a few other humans who had no idea of the requirements of nature, none of us did, we were not evolved enough to understand it, but more and more seem to be becoming aware of it now.
Whilst others are still in energy slavery mode, dreaming they might one day be leading it all, enjoying the luxury of having energy showered on them by all other humans, worshipping them as if they were god.
I know this is not a very scientific sounding analysis, but it is actually scientific, to use the techniques of formal stakeholder analysis, to deduce this kind of conclusion.
Geoengineering would negatively affect the perceived "viability" of going solar. It would impact the energy yielded by solar, and this is the energy of all life. It would impact the energy of all life, accellerating desertification and actually temperature rise, because it's the things using solar energy to do things other than just let it go to heat, that actually cool the planet.
This is the definition of creation; reduction of entropy, which only life does, so it's also a general definition of life, "That which reverses entropy". But we are busy doing the opposite, converting things nature created from energy from the sun which would otherwise have been heat, back to the heat that would have existed if nature never existed. We are busy reversing creation. Profit, every transaction of profit, is literally, in systems Engineering terms, a bite of energy taken from the planet, which is then thrown to heat.
And it's a very messy bite, with much more lost to heat in physical extraction and refinement processes.
And look, 8 billion people are doing it, each one of us adults needing to metabolise about 3KWhrs per day, according to FAO data.
8 billion x 3KWhrs every day is evidently more than nature is managing to sustain, by using what it can by photosynthesis from the sun, because we are seeing the temperature constantly rising, even accelerating, it makes perfect sense this was even to be expected. How can we see it any other way, it's just too obvious to deny, given a little systems analysis.
Earth is more or less a kind of battery which is trickle charged by the sun, which puts energy into the positive terminal via photosynthesis, and we sit on the negative terminal, throwing out energy to heat via profit, discharging it. So the temperature rise indicates the charge level in the battery, or rather the depletion level of it.
What we need to do, to solve the problem, is move ourselves to the positive terminal, to increase photosynthetic activity as necessary to get more charge going into the battery, whilst reducing our discharge rate.
Geoengineering is the opposite, it's further reducing the charge current!
Seriously, the damage they are doing can't be overstated, the consequences are likely much worse even than nuclear war.
They have to be stopped.