Taking non heat energy and materials and life from Earth, and converting those to heat energy is the thing destructive and the thing raising temperature at source.
Using the energy of the sun like nature does to create anything other than the heat the sunlight would become if nature didn't create things with it is reduction of temperature by definition.
So "consumption" does not matter if it is from solar, if it results in any creation or conversion of the solar energy to anything other than heat then the consumption is a triumph over destruction, and reduction of heat by definition.
So the more hydrogen created by electrolysis for example from sunlight that we can consume making things, travelling, flying, cooking, converting actually to human consumable food (see "Solein"), actually an infinity of things, the more temperature is lowered.
Removing humans now is removing life, converting it tto heat, again raising temperature, removing our capability to create, so as to reduce temperature.
This is all physics, e=MC squared, used to show your view is something illogical and evil, the real threat to humanity and actually all life on Earth, based on no logic.
Go ahead and explain logically why you believe what you believe.