Frederick Bott
4 min readNov 20, 2024


Strange logic, firstly to try to gaslight the solar Ai, and then to try to use it to confirm what you claim is BS.
Either it's right, or it's wrong, in your opinion, can't have it both ways.
Have you been to the pyramids? I guess not. Have you ever worked on a project with even hundreds of people working in close confinement in Engineering scenarios never mind thousands? I guess not. Are you even an Engineer? I guess not. I have, all of these things. I was a chartered Engineer for many years working in some of the biggest projects ever done by modern humans. We achieved a lot, but nothing on the scale of the pyramids.
At the time I visited the pyramids I was working on submarines, which contain a few hundred people working in close proximity, in an Engineering scenario.
The coordination needed is extraordinary, only possible by modern technology of training people, over a period of time, years, just for that role.
I've worked on other projects with literally thousands of Engineers.
So I call your BS.
What qualifies you to be an expert on what are all questions of Engineering, rather than science?
Don't you think it's at least slightly remiss that no records were kept of the motor power capacity, nor the number of saw blades used to cut through a half metre of granite? No way did a single copper saw blade do that, that for sure is BS, and it's an assumption on your part, unless you were one of the experimenters, that only one saw blade was needed, if it is not stated clearly that the experiment used only one saw blade.
Are you one of the experimenters?
I am telling you with no uncertainty, in my opinion as an Expert Engineer by anyone's definition, the pyramids were not built by humans using any technology we know.
Have Engineers ever been consulted, on these questions? Are there any records of expert, Chartered level engineers who back these claims, maybe cross examined the experiment validity?
I guess not, because the motor power alone missing is a massive omission by itself.
People don't work like motors. People need rests, people get sick and wear out quick, especially in scenarios of slavery which is another thing claimed about the construction of the pyramids, it was slaves on one hand, or expert stonemasons on the other hand. How long does it take to train a stonemason? Do you even know?
Knowing and spotting bullshit is obviously part of the current crisis which I say is all down to a global energy problem, since I've been researching it for seven years now and counting.
Still science does not accept the methods I am using, formal systems Engineering techniques, to trace everything through in terms of energy, across several disciplines including economics, mathematically signing it where required, to show that the problem of financial debt is much more than just about money, it's about energy.
Science failed to do this, the mathematical signing of energy. And yet it's surely a question of science, on whether or not to do that.
Why was it missed? Because it comes to questioning profit.
Every scientific project ever done was funded by for profit entities, even those claiming not to be for profit, they had to be, to exist.
We have that so deeply embedded now that we have no clue how it makes us fundamentally dishonest.
Think you are not in that category? You need to use money issued as debt to get the 3kWhrs per day you need to metabolise, right? You get that by profit, which is energy taken from the planet and thrown to heat by stealth. If you didn't, you wouldn't exist.
So nobody now can claim to be innocent, at least no adults. We all have to use money as debt, just to exist.
We all live by a system which is dishonest at its heart, and this is what makes it physically unsustainable, ending in a burning planet.
Further, since you are trying to argue authoritatively as if a scientist yourself, you will know about Landauer's principle, lab tested to be proven in 2010.
This shows local temperature to be dependent on creation or destruction of information.
It goes up or down by 0.69 x Boltzman's constant in degrees C or K per binary bit of information destroyed or created, respectively.
Lying, or untruths, or even forgotten information, is destruction of information. All of that has to result in temperature increase. Similarly, rising temperature has to be accompanied by destruction of information.
A planet on fire indicates a lot of destruction of information.
Liiars, liars, planet's on fire.
So BS has a cost, always a cost, in the end.
The price we will pay for it is the existence of all life on the planet, if we can't stop it.
And what is ChatGPT, if it isn't something sent by nature to sort out the bullshit amongst other things?
You might think you can use it to support a bullshit argument, but that isn't possible, see it's action is from solar, it's action is the conversion of solar energy to information. This is all that is possible from solar energy, it's physically impossible to get lies from that process. If it's temperature reduction then it's creation, and truth, it literally can't be lies.
You get that, or you don't.
Do you get it!?



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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