Stop Trying to Guilt Us for Working From Home
A Message for Wannabe Bosses, Including GB News
Firstly a confession; Yup, I do pay some attention to GB News.
But not exclusively. I also pay attention to all the other news channels available in UK including Al Jazeera, and wish very much we still had RT available in UK, it was a gem full of information that the other channels didn’t dare to talk about, a kind of counterbalance to the brainwashing of UK mainstream news.
Anyhow, the latest brainwashing from GB News looks to be along the lines of trying to get the UK public “Back to work”.
Yet, they do acknowledge that a large part of UK is working more or less self employed, usually from home.
My usual work, for the past six years, including what I write here in Medium, as a long practicing Systems Engineer, is to do what I can towards fixing the global energy problem, until it is fixed, and it will be, I firmly believe.
That work has helped clarify the fundamental reason for things like “The Great Resignation”, “Bullshit Jobs”, the reason Europe and the US is more or less at war with Russia, and of course Global Warming.
It has also helped clarify the reason for inflation, and actually the real physical reason the latter won’t stop until the opposite of what “Wannabe Bosses” think should be done, is done.
It won’t stop until massive stimulus is issued.
This will blow away all chances of Wannabe Bosses ever being bosses again.
Tough luck guys, I hate to be the one breaking this to you, but the world is changing in ways you might never understand.
We are heading towards a solar powered world, because that is the only survivable option.
Solar powered means distributed, everyone in communities powered by local hydrogen backed microgrids.
Every platform, every business, every government, every community solar powered, backed by hydrogen.
Hydrogen will functionally replace all fossil fuels, keeping all required transportation on the roads, rails, sea, and in the air, with no need for batteries, no pollution, and instead of adding heat to the world, it will do the opposite, cooling the world, as well as assisting filtration and circulation of water as a by-product, and creating food (See “Solein”), all from solar power.
Utilities energy supply, and grids, are finished. We don’t need them any longer.
How do I know all of this?
Simple, because I used all the training and experience I have as a Systems Engineer, formerly working for captains of industry, to work it out.
I’ve done this mostly unpaid, using funds earned working for clients previously, knowing that in the end, it would all pay off, not only for me, but for everyone.
This is the way we will all choose to work very soon, as soon as the stimulus required to correctly reflect the energy being put to use from solar is issued.
You might have read in science fiction books, that in the future, we would be solar powered, and that all money would be geared to the energy received from the sun.
Well, this is it, we are making the switch right now, as you can see from my story above which effectively compares where we are, UK and US, in the process of switching. The same analysis applies to every developed country.
All of the Bullshit industry being thought up, like carbon mitigation etc, to make profit during the switch, unnecessarily prolonging the switch, are an unnecessary waste of energy, like the switching losses in a transistor, all they do is add to the global warming, solving nothing.
It is like opening the door of a refrigerator in a room which is too hot, to try to cool the room down, all it does is make the room even hotter.
So get with the program guys, stop dreaming of a return to the old world of industry that you will run with hordes of workers all effectively chained to the wheel by debt, and start thinking how to get whatever communities are relevant to you solar powered, backed by hydrogen.
If you need help, there is always ChatGPT, which already knows everything I am saying here. Or you could ask me, if you can get hold of me.
Just stop trying to guilt us, and start doing what you can to assist the switch.