Stop Farting and the Emissions are Fixed!

How to not fix Emissions.

Frederick Bott
3 min readDec 27, 2021


Something seems a bit off with what we hear, now and then.

Like someone demanding we just “Stop farting”, to fix the problem of us farting.

Would that fix it?

Of course not, we would just go and fart somewhere else, or find a way to ease it out, nice and quiet, a tiny bit at a time, silent but deadly.

Or if we were really old, just ignore, fart anyway, and deny we did anything at all, ‘cos actually we already can’t remember.

Oh and we lost our sense of smell, some illness or another, can’t remember which one (Sneeze).

Could we actually stop farting, just because someone demanded it?


As Shrek so aptly put it; “Better out than in”.

What if they said to just eat less, would that fix it?

Hmmm might help, a little.

But sorry, we need to eat as much as we do, to have the energy we need.

But what if they demanded we stop eating beans?

Maybe that would work, just maybe.

But I love beans, please don’t demand I give up beans.

OK how about “We’ve discovered how to make delicious beans artificially, and guess what, they don’t make us fart at all, why not try eating those?”

Ah now that sounds interesting, eat-as-much as we like beans, with no farting.

Really, not even a tiny bit?

“Yep, zero”

Hmmmm but what about the cost of making these magic, fartless beans… would I be able to afford them?

“Yep, we make them from the energy of sunlight, that we get for free, just like real beans, but even better, no human labour is needed to farm them, all we need to do is build some special labourless farms”

Jeez what will they think of next. It does sound kind of good, but wait, what about jobs? If things like this take off, who will employ workers? Isn’t a business that doesn’t employ workers kind of immoral?

“Nope, no one needs to work, actually, we can create free money along with free magic beans, to pay idle workers anyway, and you too, if you happen to be stuck for work, or business”.

Oooohh now that has to be rubbish, surely.

“Nope, its how nature works, nothing happens at profit, it is all donation, everything beginning with the energy of the sun.

Nature practices something we might call Energyism.

It isn’t like capitalism, not at all.

If you haven’t twigged yet, my farting about here, is allegory all about the problem of the deadly effect of global emissions of C02, and its seemingly unseen solution, to switch our energy intake to something we make ourselves, from sunlight.

It is to try to show just how silly it really is, to focus just on the emissions, to try to fix the problem of emissions.

But that is exactly what we are doing in reality, by talking about “The carbon industry”. We are completely fixating on the result, ignoring there is a cause.

Cunning business folk are looking at what it is we are fixating on, and rubbing their hands with glee. All they need to know is what we fixate on, to know how to frame their business.

“Your business is my business. Yay!”

Watch out, for ads on the new business of farts processing, coming to your feeds soon.

You read it here first, it’s all my fault.

So our problem becomes their solution, and then it all starts to get really confused.

Their business then becomes dependent on maintenance of our problem, instead of fixing it.

We have to keep farting forever, to keep them in business.

So now we might focus on their business, the reason for their business, the reason for their very existence, scrutinising it, questioning it.

Why does this thing driving business, all business, even exist?


Must profit exist? Wouldn’t we be better off without it? Is there anything we can do about it?

Yep, we can go to being powered from the sun, instead of being powered from the ground (Capital)

With that, all infinite possibilites are on.

We are already starting to do it.

We just need to look to know where to see it.

It isn’t by fixating on emissions.

