Still not a mention of profit, Michael.
Why not? Do you have a problem digging into that?
If you really want to get into exposing evil, that is where you have to go, imho.
Trace it. Trace what it is dependent on.
Energy, extracted from Earth, is what it depends on.
Only that kind of energy can be scarcified, withheld from others, therefore that is the only kind of energy profit can be made from.
Its also the only kind of energy we can use to close a deal to do work in the future, in other words the only kind that can be used to create debt, the only kind of energy which use of, by putting a little effort in, gives as a lot of energy out, which came from the finite sources of Earth, therefore being mathematically negatively signed, reduction of those materials or stored fields to anything has to result in some of it converting to heat, which would not exist if we didn't use those materials.
Contrast that with use of energy from the sun.
Use of any energy from the sun results in the opposite of what happened by use of energy from Earth.
Energy is converted from heat, to things other than heat. Useful things. This is creation. The same creation as nature does with trees and plants, creating all life we know, continuously acting to lower temperature.
I am telling you this as a technologist, not as anyone particularly religious, but it is something you never heard before by science right? Because most of science is for profit. It suits "Renewables" to just bunch mathematically negative energy together with mathematically positive energy, to mix it all up, so we can't tell the difference between what is really good and what is really bad.
I agree completely renewables is a pile of BS, and I am a technologist.
You would know this if you took the time to read any of my stuff.
Use of the energy from beneath your feet, for anything, absolutely anything, is bad. All evil actually traces to it. Use of energy from above, for anything is good, even if we "waste" it, the worst that can happen by it is if we didn't use it at all, using the energy of Earth instead, adding to the natural heating effect of the sun.
There you see a perfectly sound, unarguable, physical explanation for why we are burning.
Notice it didn't involve any mention of CO2, which is highly arguable. Deliberately highly arguable, because things need to be arguable for profitable deals to be struck, because essentially, a profitable deal is actually a con, in terms of energy, what actually happened physically, when the profitable deal was struck, was that more energy travelled in one direction than the other, with usually the one already holding the highest amount of energy gaining, at the expense of the holding less energy, therefore having to obtain more energy, ultimately from Earth.
If there wasn't this process of constant energy conning going on, there would be no transfer of energy anywhere, if there was no source of energy donated.
The conning had to go on, as long as our energy was exclusively from sources, but it doesn't any longer, in fact nature is insisting.
Now we have to start giving it for free because the sun gave it for free. The only condition it puts on it, is that we actually use it, passing on what we can't use to others, who can use what we can't. Otherwise we burn, as we are seeing!
Again profit driven science will not tell you this because it doesn't help anyone make profit, or do anything to help the profit driven system. Even the profit driven platform algos will suppress this information wherever possible, because it doesn't help the platform itself to make profit either.
My response here might even doom your story from making profit, by my message being connected with your story, just because I commented with it to you.
I notice you set your story to be members only. So presumably you are hoping for some revenue from it. So bad news, if what I am telling you here jeaordises that, right?
So better for you if you just deny or ignore it right?
If you really want to expose the real matrix, it's right there, the profit monster, feeding from all of us.
Exposing that, and starving it of the energy it lives on, energy extracted from Earth, is something we will have to do, to really get out of the physical mess we are in, reversing all the damage done, all the destruction, all the raising of temperature.
If you really want to help fix things, this is what you should be identifying is the problem.
The problem isn't technology or science, at all, it is profit driven technology and science.
Ai is fine! But Ai for profit, well that might indeed be the final straw.
Ai not for profit, on the other hand, looks like nothing less than the trustable superhuman force that we really need, to help humanity out of the mess.