Steven you've probably heard the old saying "Follow the money". Just modify that slightly to "Follow the energy", then it is easy to see how it all fits together. We are simply being born as a species. You might interpret my writing as me wishing it would work this way and me trying to manifest it by force of will or something, to work the way I want it to, but it isn't. It is all observation, from just tracing the energy through from positive source to negative sink. Anyone can do first with plants, then do the same with humanity as a species.
In Systems Engineering terms, plants have the target energy system architecture that we are moving to, and are being forced mathematically to do so by nature, as surely as any baby is born from its mother or egg.
We can't get round it. Accountants, Bankers, Taxation, money-as-debt, all of those things are finished, with the end of energy by extraction (negative), and the beginning of using donated energy from the sun (positive).