Steven, I have been studying this now for some time, seeing it first coming shortly after starting a PhD candidate research program in 2017. The project was to do mostly with metaverse / virtual world technology, so I had to learn a lot about those, but came to an immovable impasse, the success of my project required a successful, sustainable virtual world, which didn't exist, and still doesn't due to being always vulnerable to becoming financially bankrupt. It simply isn't possible to have a sustainable virtual world without some kind of external feed of wealth flowing into it, which tops up all of the energy within. I was horrified then to realise that since a virtual world is just a simulation of the real world, then any fundamental problems exposed by it, had to be also problems for the real world.
We need a flow of energy coming in, to top up all of the wealth available to humanity, but we never had one, for thousands of years, we've just lived off of the proceeds of colonisalism, slavery, and destruction of the environment, which has huge cost in terms of life and humanity. We've got so used to doing that, we mostly don't even realise we are doing it.
But now it is coming to a head, with the environment beginning to instantly react to every further crime commited against it, all over the world. This war of humanity with nature has finally come to every land, now we all feel the brunt of it.
But even so, there is actually an answer, the same answer as nature uses, it is the energy of the sun which powers all of nature, except us, until only very recently.
All of this is connected with economy, by the way money is issued, it is exclusively issued as debt.
Whereas the Joules of energy from the sun are donated, no labor of extraction is associated with those Joules, so money issued as debt can't represent it.
So although we are starting to use that actual external source of wealth, we are still not valuing it correctly, so not many are getting any benefit from it. This thing preventing us using it fully now is nothing more than a mindset, still stuck in the old world of limted energy and resources.
Futher, as the disconnect between the energy we are using, and the energy we are valuaing becomes ever greater, money is increasingly becoming less representative of actual valuable physical product being put to use. So we see inflation.
That inflation being what it is, due to something that never existed previously, is unstoppable, until money is issued honestly to represent the solar energy receivd, the only way it can be, by being donated to all people.
I believe we saw the effects of this already when $4Tn per month was issued in the states, oil went negative, and the dollar itself went up in value, whilst the envifonment made a brief spike of recovery. There were many other things that happened at that time, which all stack up to what I am saying here.
If you understand this, then maybe you see we are about to make a switch, from money representing debt, or capital, to money representing energy, live energy from the sun.
We might call that new era Energyism, as opposed to capitalism, or even socialism.
Either way, that will be the start of a new world, which makes a difference to us like the cells in a baby which has just switched from being umbilical connected, to drawing its first breath of air, or like the shoot of a tree after it sprouts its first leaves.
Relatively speaking, the energy in the tree or infant becomes unlimited, compared to what it was, and the youngster then will grow to a healthy adult, contributing energy towards the host it lived from until it became independent, and able to contribute to the greater whole.
You might think this is still some time away, but it isn't, I guess now maybe a year or two, before the switch happens officially, but it could be much earlier (And would be much better), maybe next week, next month, who knows.
The only thing that might derail this would be a world war or something equally catastrophic and instantly existential. That would be like the baby effectively dying at birth after the umbilical was cut, but before it learned to draw the first breath, or like the tree shoot withering and dying after forming its first leaves, but not achieving reversal of the flow of nutrients within itself.
I think far more likely we will survive as a species, but the human and planetary body count will be far higher, the longer we try to delay the switch.