Frederick Bott
5 min readFeb 8, 2022


Sounds like you are a scientist.

I would class myself as an Engineer.

Looks like we are both Scots as well, at least at heart (I physically switched to the South a long time ago).

I notice quite a few scientists teetering on the brink of being for or against "Technology", but to me technology is everything we do, that apes don't do.

Profit is something apes do, I think.

I bet they squabble like crazy when they are kids, grabbing toys from one another to wield power over weaker individuals.

So a technology we don't have yet, at least consciously, is collaboration, real collaboration, like ants, or bees.

Capitalism I would define as the tendency to wield capital for power. It could be financial capital, food capital, energy capital, knowledge capital.

We never see bees or ants doing that, at least not against one another.

All of those types of capital wielded for power over peers, are exchangeable for energy.

So it is energy we really worship, I would say.

We see it in capital, because in that form we can wield it as a kind of weapon, against our peers, to gain and maintain advantage (Profit).

To account for energy, we have to express it always as energy (Joules), and not power (Joules per second, or "Watts").

So within that framework, is how most of us traditionally perceive energy, and wealth.

We might notice that being invested in capital of any kind of entrenches us within that framework.

The more invested we are there, the more difficult it is for us to perceive anything outside of it, it seems to me.

This is the reason I avoid financially investing in anything, even a pension. The only way I save money is to leave it wherever it is deposited by clients / employers, as long as I can.

I might live to regret that. But I've seen so many regretting life lived worshiping capital, and believe that the alternative, unconditional wealth for all people is coming, very soon.

It is all about energy, it seems to me.

If we are blinded in any way by the capitalism visor, we lose sight of how to trace how it actually works, I would say.

In the interestst of capitalism, we even make up elaborate "science", to create stories upon which businesses can be built, profits made, advantages gained, but in the end if they are not built on truth, they are unsustainable Ponzis.

A scientific tool which claims to be in pursuit of truth is Occam's razor.

But to me it looks like something devised to maximise profit, since it only appears to be used when that is the outcome.

In the case of energy, it is very easily traced back to something donated by the sun to all things, if we ignore the conventional profit-driven scientific view that historically, Earth itself did not come from the sun.

Conventional profit-driven science has a much more elaborate theory, that Earth and sun somehow separately materialised from swirling cosmic dust, a long time ago.

In truth we have no real proof of that, but so much profit was made from it, and further science built on it since, that there seems much could be lost by realising much of it is false.

Now look at the circumstantial evidence for a much simpler explanation;

All of the planets orbiting the sun are roughly in the same plane, in the same direction of orbit, each themselves rotating in roughly the same direction, with axes pointing in roughly the same directions.

Is that coincidence?

Of course not, it seems to me, they were all ejected from the sun, during an earlier more volcanically active period, whilst it is, or was itself rotating in the same direction as we all are now.

The internal heat our planet has, is simply residual heat remaining within the core, from when it was freshly ejected.

Of course the crust is solid whilst the rest is molten, just like the crust of a pie removed from the oven cools much quicker than the internal mass.

Earth is just a pie, cooked within the sun.

It is amazing how many scientists believe that the Earth has some kind of active internal energy generator, that keeps it hot inside.

That belief is based on the profit driven idea that the solar system is formed by coagulation of cosmic dust.

Obviously as the energy problem is becoming existentially threatening to us as a species, and even all other life on our planet, we have to get rid of some of that fanciful profit driven science, in order to see the only way out of the mess we are in, it seems to me.

The only way out is to connect to the sun, because simply that is the only actual source of energy.

We have to stop thinking of Earth as being any kind of source of energy. It is actually a storage medium of energy, but never a source.

Once we have that sorted out in our minds, it quickly becomes apparent that there is a constantly increasing store of Joules of energy on Earth.

Then we realise that there is no such thing as capital.

Our economy is based on a zero-sum capital amount of energy, but it is in error.

We got away with the error for the thousands of years we were not ourselves putting the energy of the sun to use.

But now we are putting the energy of the sun to use ourselves, we can no longer ignore the error, because it is infinite.

There is no such thing as value in capital, only value in the live energy from the sun, which is actually donated to us for free, it requires no effort to extract, only infrastructure to receive it.

Now it is only a matter of time until that comes to be reflected by our economy.

Each token of money has to come to represent a number of Joules of energy. Some kind(s) of money might come to represent power. I've explained more about that in my Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge story, and the ICO of all ICOs story.

Pollution is only produced if we use the Energy stored in Earth. There is always a price to be paid in terms of unwanted side effects for using that, but never for using solar.

Our financial debt is actually the end result of the grand energy Ponzi we have been practicing for the economic history of humanity, it actually represents an energy deficit, owed to our planet, which can only be paid back down by solar.

I've described the basic scheme of how we can and must use the sun to do this in my story about the Money-fuel tree.

I've called the technology around all of this "Kardashev Engineering". It isn't about profit, it is survival, but ironically by using it, we get actual infinite wealth for all of us, not just an awful lot of wealth for a few.

The banks and authorities who currently maintain power by wielding capital don't like if very much, of course.

But nature, the owner of our house seems to have been playing a game with us, a bit like a game of chess, and she is one move from mate. We have only one choice.

We can choose to be born as a species now that our umbilical to the placenta of our planet is being cut, or not.

Thanks for reading, if you got this far. Sorry for rambling a little, I usually reserve this for my own stories, but I have a feeling you might have a sympathetic, or empathetic ear, and now and then I need to recap, to keep the pertinent details fresh.

PS I don't yet own an EV yet either. But I did give up my car, last year.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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