Frederick Bott
2 min readNov 14, 2021


Sounds good, thanks for posting.
We know the money system has to change, for any solution.
We know there is now such a thing as money-as-sunlight, which has the potential to feed all people, just as trees feed all of nature, from sunlight, removing our need to extract the capital of Earth, created by sunlight.
I’ve explained how Bitcoin is an integral part of that as what I describe as the Kardashev Hinge.
So Bitcoin, when all its tokens have been minted, if not even before, will always represent the amount of solar energy capacity to support all of humanity, providing a mathematically proven means to authenticate continuous money-as-sunlight streams for all people (pow tokens created from domestic power supplies, which will all be outlets of solar power, only a few milliwatts are needed, with something like uplexa), at the rate of around 10mW per Satoshi, if my sums are correct.
By that we move to a system where the clean, sustainable, continuous self generated tokens of all people are offered in markets, available for all others to buy, alongside the usual stocks, shares, and currencies representing corporates and countries, so that anyone can boost anyone else, by buying some of their tokens, with some of their own.
There we will see pure fine-grained democracy by market economy, driven by money-as-sunlight, rather than profit, which we all know was the fundamental driver of the Grand Energy Ponzi, of thinking we could extract the capital of Earth forever.

We saw a glimpse of it when 4Tn stimulus was issued, ordinary people were trading in markets with donated money, most with no intention of profit, but wishing only to vote for the things they saw as important, despite many being offered only by bankrupt companies, Hertz for example, their shares soared, whilst things like classic safe haven capital, gold, languished, and things known damaging to Earth like oil even went negatively priced, and the dollar value itself even went up.

That was the only time in history we ever saw negatively priced oil, or negatively priced anything.

Does your DAO fit with that?



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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