Sounds all good to me, thanks for your detailed thoughts there.
I can't see any problem with your view, except that it might not be enough, to move us towards doing the right thing as a species. I don't think either of us has got enough to do that yet tbh.
True the sun isn't the source of all energy, far from it, there are obviously much greater sources out there.
But it is the source of all Energy on Earth, as far as I can tell, using all the tools and experience of formal Systems Engineering I've been applying to the problem for the past six years or so, as best I can, as a practicing systems Engineer of some thirty odd years.
The thing missing, it seems to me, is full understanding of the part religions play. I think if we truly knew that, and could figure out how to explain it in a way that is self verifying, then we might finally be on to how to make real change.
The fact that most of us seem to be aware of our deadly addiction to extracted energy as a species, even the folk doing very well out of it, relatively speaking, yet we seem unable to break the addiction, is something indicating a very deep driver.
We can't simply dismiss it as an addiction, it is deeper than that, it seems to me.
We know in theory it is possible to design living things by genetic Engineering. We also know researchers working on the human genome discovery project have commented that the human genome appears domesticated.
To me there is overwhelming circumstantial evidence suggesting we were actually created by higher intelligence beings.
Systems Engineering gives us the tools needed to convert circumstantial evidence to proof, when those things are obviously parts of a larger system picture.
Digging into that can't be done by conventional science, because the latter requires a solid concept of intellectual property to exist in the profit driven world.
And besides, I know from personal experience academia tends not to have the exprience and skills needed ffor formal Systems Engineering.
In any case it wouldn't do for science to have to admit that everything we thought we invented might have already have been known and done by our creators, even the current scenario of us destroying our planet, and ourselves, at least the part of us that was "Human".
As time goes on, we are shelling off the parts of humanity that cares about other humans.
I would argue that is humanity being lost.
We are slowly creating a monster.
All moderate humans are being removed.
The job looks almost complete.
The final finishing touch will be the culling of the majority of humans, who are deemed to be "Surplus to requirements".
I would put money on us being programed to do this, genetically.
We've heard of a kind of war which was supposed to have occured between "Gods" of Annunaki folklore.
Apparently they disagreed over the morality of the creation of humans.
If true, we were a creation which was seen by some gods as not so good, enough to go to war over.
Let's say the good guys won, as they usually do.
They destroyed or banished our creators, but what then should they have done with us?
Imagine our own torn human ethics, if we discovered some science project had created a new intelligent hybrid human species under very dubious motives, which had already taken root in a fertile place, and were racing ahead with evolution. Would it be right for us to terminate that species, assuming the worst?
I don't think "Good" intelligences would do that. I think they would be far more likely to give us a "Fighting chance" at survival. After all, if we did the dastardly deeds we were designed to do by our original creators, without those creators present "To guide us" then we would destroy ourselves just like we are doing in any case, and that would be justice done.
So how could they give us a fighting chance?
By leaving us a set of guidelines, some do's and don'ts that they knew were opposite from our programming, that we would have to obey, or learn to obey, to survive. Failure to learn those would mean our original programming had triumphed over whatever human logic we might develop to counter it.
Isn't it interesting that as we dig into the system implications of energy, we are finding more and more things are starting to look religious?
Who would have guessed, that we would find we need to add a cross to the sun, to assign it with the correct mathematical polarity needed to trace energy through from source to all things, with the implications of that on money?
Some folk might say ah but that only "Rhymes" with one religion, Christianity. Well actually when we look, the cross has had significance in all religions, even pagans, and all see it as something positive, denoting good, the opposite of evil.
There is much more to this for sure.