Sorry to hear that. It is something I think affecting a lot of "Charities". In the end they are just more businesses, operating on the same old theme, of using stored energy to create overall harm, whilst appearing to fix a problem.
Glad you like the work of David Graeber. I believe he was onto the part played by energy, but maybe didn't recognise it, since his academic discipline was maybe not techcnical.
If I was not so focused on trying to raise awareness of the connection betwen energy and society in Medium, I would probably be looking at Extinction Rebellion, as maybe the most appropriate organisation for everyone to be involved in. I understand it has similar problems as any other formal charity, like the one you experienced, but this observation of money-as-sunlight, and the full implications of it, are something they might find a very useful argument and motivation, if they haven't seen it already.
I hope things pick up for you soon in any case.