Sorry to be late replying, I’ve only just had this in my feed. Your article is good but misses some non-mainstream info which might be useful to you for future articles.
Firstly the term renewable makes no sense in terms of energy, it isn’t renewable, it all comes from the sun.
The fundamental problem we have is that we have monetised capital, when it should be energy which is monetised.
Earth is basically like a battery trickle charged over millions of years by the sun.
When we derive energy from Earth, we are taking it from some medium of storage or another.
Hence our financial debt is actually an energy deficit with our planet, which can only be paid back down by use of solar energy.
Using the energy of Earth to do work always detracts from existing stores, so is negative, manifesting as pollution and/or other unwanted effects, whilst using the energy of the sun adds to Earth, generally without pollution.
We now have reversible fuel cell technology which works like batteries until charged, then generates green hydrogen from further charging, which functionally replaces fossil fuels with none of the pollution, either in its generation or consumption, when charged by solar power.
So there we see valuable fuel being generated from energy which was donated by an off-world source. Further, we see ways to generate valuable money in the form of proof of work tokens, interchangeable with the free Hydrogen fuel.
By conventional Austrian economics, we should be issuing money backed by the valuable Joules received from the sun, whether they are used to create fuel, money, or just heat a rooftop water heater.
But we don’t, because after we start to do that, capital will rapidly devalue, with the result it can no longer be used as a means of maintaining power and control.
That changes things quite a bit.
Why would we save if we didn’t have to, and why would criminals continue to commit crimes if they didn’t have to for money, and then why have police forces, criminal courts, banks, even conventional governments?
All of those things and a whole stack more are unnecesary bullshit industries employing large numbers of people in "bullshit jobs" (David Graeber), requiring an awful lot of power that we don’t really need to be using, if we didn’t spend our lives competing against every other human to have safety for ourselves.
Those things and lots more are deliberately disguised and played down by the profit driven system, but pretty soon we will see it change, because the financial runaway will be unstoppable, eventually. We see it starting first as inflation, but that will continue to run away until it is realised that money has to come to represent energy, not capital, and most sensibly money will become valued in Joules of energy, rather than in pieces of gold.
It won’t be long until we see this happening, just watch the inflation start to rise uncontrollably.
Anyone can read more by searching for "Kardashev Money", and "The Money-Fuel Tree".
I would be interested to know your thoughts on those.