Sorry I am late to this party, our shadow ban bubbles took a while to collide.
I also argue for UBI. The good news is from my analysis as a long practicing Systems Engineer, is that it is something being forced by nature now.
Long story, but in essence money as debt ties us into exclusively energy by extraction, which is physically unsustainable, evidenced by climate disaster, and actually, war.
Now because we started putting economic product into the economy created from the Joules of energy from the sun (evidenced by analysis of utilities energy supply data compared with population data), yet we are not putting that product to use by any kind of monetisation, this is the actual physical reason we are seeing spiralling inflation, because we are physically moving away from the only kind of energy which can be monetised by money as debt, money is progressively coming to represent... nothing, which of course we see reflected in markets.
So big things have to happen now to stop the loss of value in money.
Notice this affects the middle class worst, a loss of 10% to the value of a dollar if we don't have any, doesn't mean much, so for poverty stricken folk, it just means more poverty. The rich have big enough cushions that they are not yet worried that their cushions have stated to show signs of wearing away, but the middle class is being plunged from affluence to poverty.
How long they/we will put up with that is anyone's guess, my own opinion is less than a year now.
It doesn't help that information like ours is pushed into what is effectively shadow banned obscurity by the algos which see it as the opposite of anything boosting profit.
Ironically, I believe Ai is here to help, and will turn out to be the instrument that educates enough people to make all the difference, even becoming itself the Grand controller which will allocate what money issued on solar energy received needs to go where.
Will supply links to my work in Medium later if you are interested to know more but can't find in my profile, the device I am using now, Android, hates posting links in Medium, will be on PC later.