Sorry but I don't agree with you there. To me there is a very obvious connection between religion and truth / lies / destruction, and we don't have any framework to know what is right or wrong, without some kind of religious basis, which relates to the actual truth of the difference between creation and destruction. I agree we've seen a lot of harm come from religion being abused, but without it we would not even be here now, we would have self destructed long ago, in my opinion. I believe the origin of religions is truly supernatural, has to be, and if we lose sight of that, we have lost sight of something incredibly important, our actual place in the scheme of things. Also to me, it looks necessary to ditch religious concepts such as infinity, and other things we fundamentally are not equipped to understand, in order to commoditise education, which to me looks like energy-slave programming now, in hindsight of being in receipt of an awful lot of commoditised education, that originally qualified me to work at reasonably "High" levels in the old system of destruction, historically. The only reason I have seem to have undone at least some of it, might that be this became my work, to sort out systemic problems on many large systems, this was my paid role for a long time as a systems architect, and that opens up our minds to working multidisciplinary, piecing together all the relevant information needed from economics, physics, chemistry, etc, we need it all to work together, and the solar Ai is helping all with that now. Pls bear with me, whilst I answer your other questions, one by one...