Something dodgy at the heart of all this, which neither you nor anyone else you mention touched on is profit.
Technlogy would be always just fine if it was not for profit.
In fact if technology does end, as it appears it might be, if current trends carry on, (Notice we are losing aerospace) we will be back in the dark ages very soon, before we expire completely from lack of energy, and it will be profit which was the fundamental thing that finished it, and us.
Profit is a dishonest energy lie that we practice mostly without thinking about it, and it is profit which relentlessly hoovers energy from the poor to the rich, it's the backbone of colonialism and slavery, the conclusion of which is always genocide, when the usefulness of the slaves have been used up. And look, it's a lie, an energy lie.
When money makes money or when a little energy expended as work is returned with a lot more energy as money, the energy gained had to come from somewhere because money is always energy physically, it always is exchangeable for KWhrs in markets.
The only entity able to serve as the source of the for profit supply chain, supplying more energy out for a little put in, is the planet, and for every kWhr or Joule energy yielded, an order of magnitude more is lost to heat.
Did we sign up for that, by engaging in the for-profit system?
So it isn't an honest system.
If it was honest, every deal for profit, actually very deal, would have in the terms and conditions that both parties in the deal are agreeing that (a) the poorer party is agreeing to supply energy to the other with already more energy, and (b) the agreement would contribute towards the planetary destruction, eventually burning and flooding the planet.
But this is not in any agreements, is it?
So neither party is actually informed of the full consequences of the deal.
Therefore all deals for profit are legally void.
I think that should feature more I the forefront of the thoughts of folk that just want to blame technology or even religions for all the problems.
The problem is the whole for profit system is built on a lie, a lie enforced by trying to scare the population into never questioning it.
But look we have to question it now it's ending the planet, right?