Frederick Bott
5 min readApr 11, 2023


Solving the seemingly impossible equation becomes simple when we just mathematically sign energy, positive from sun, and trace it through the system, noting that wherever we remove it from Earth, we have to assign that process as negative, since what we are doing is destruction, something subtracting from what was created by nature on Earth, reducing the net Joules put to use on Earth by nature. This includes where we remove it from wind and hydro, or even geothermal, in all of those cases, strictly speaking, we are reducing the net Joules put to use by nature on Earth, by those things.
The one exception, where we can't say our energy use is mathematically negative, is when we use solar, given that the cost of implementation does not count, since the Joules received from the sun come with no cost to source, that is the sun itself, and those Joules received for free, can be directly converted to create the same infrastructure, so in effect, the infrastructure to receive solar is not subtractive from Earth, but something actually added to Earth, from the same free Joules.
Do this, and we realise that at the interface between utilities energy supply, whose business is declining since around 2005, and domestic and community solar, whose business is increasing, mathematically positive energy is literally, physically pushing back mathematically negative energy.
The two actually don't mix, one is the opposite of the other, and mathematically positive energy is winning that war, by pushing back the mathematically negative energy.
Sounds crazy but this is hard data and calulation backed, proven, physical fact.
Now notice that money issued as debt, which can only manifest as a promise to do work, and / or a promise to repay cannot enumerate, nor represent, nor be used to pay for product received or created for free, otherwise the sums don't add up.
This means money is created for product sold for profit, or a return of any kind, whereas no money is currently created for product created or received for free.
So the rule of Austrian Economics, that creation of product has to be balanced by issue of money is being broken.
Creation of product, is outstripping creation of money, and we see inflation which will continue to get worse, as long as the disparity between creation of product and creation of money exists, and continues to increase.
Logically, money has to come to represent nothing, when domestic and community solar has completely removed all utilities energy business.
There is only one solution to this, money has to be issued for free, to reflect creation of product for free.
Now notice that free product can comprise hydrogen from electrolysis, which not only functionally replaces fossil fuels with none of the pollution, but also enables replacement of all toxic batteries with hydrogen fuel cells, producing a 24/7 year round hydrogen backed uo economy which brings with it inherent filtration, and circulation of drinking water as exhaust processes of hydrogen use in fuel cells and otherwise, and finally, the literal cherry on the cake; hydrogen converts to "Solein", it is the input form of energy to the process creating that human consumable fuel, potentially relieving the critical part of the human burden on the natural food chain of nature.
Again notice all of this is mathematically positive, adding to Joules put to use by nature.
How many god-signs do we need to see, to realise that this is the solution being forced on us by nature?
Tesla, the original Tesla was right, free energy means free money.
The banks stopped him from delivering it back then, but back then it was not yet existential.
Now it is existential, we can see that all business dependent on mathematically negative energy, including even war, is harmful, and has to stop.
The only way to stop it, and the inflation, and the environmental damage, is to issue the money due, to pay down the energy deficit outstanding, owed to Earth, for the energy put to use to date from the sun, but not monetised by issue of money representing it.
It can be calculated by looking at the difference between utilities energy supplied, and what we know was needed by the population based on demographics.
That energy, at consumer market prices applicable at time of production, is the amount of money missing from issue.
To date in UK for example, this is more than 457 Bn, since deviation can be seen starting, around 2005, to date.
For 2022 alone it was 50 Bn.
For 2023 it is shaping up to be around 160 Bn.
Every developed country must have similar backlogs per head of population, they are easily calculated, from utilities energy data coupled with demographic data.
Every stipend issued will accelerate rate of solar adoption, which will in turn increase stipend, so there we maybe see an avalanche towards 100 percent adoption of solar, backed by hydrogen, finally a sustainable solution for the foreseeable future, for our kids, their kids, and all the generations hence.
We are talking about maybe one or two years of further fossil fueled activity, to get to that ideal.
After that, everyone has a generous UBI, backed by solar, no-one is forced to continue damaging the environment for profit, no-one has to work in any job their heart is not truly in.
No-one needs to commit crime, therefore most crime prevention business also becomes redundant.
No-one needs to join armies therefore defusing all war.
The same free money is available to all of government, and from all of government, therefore government business of taxing becomes redundant, no need to carry on collecting tax.
Evidenced already during covid stimulus, oil prices go negative, the environment truly recovers, the value of money itself recovers, and companies made bankrupt but still offering valuable product are purchased by people trading with free money, none of the interested in profit, but actually using their free money to vote for the things they see as valuable in the world, so actually, true fine grained democracy in practice, finally.
The only thing standing in the way of this, are the people currently in power, with the power to issue this money.
But as you can see from the maths and the physics it is inevitable, we are moving as a population instinctively towards the sun, as surely as any plant, there is no stopping it sooner or later they have to start issuing the money needed to put things right, as much as they can be, given we already are experiencing much more death and destruction than are necessary, knowing what we know.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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