

Frederick Bott
Apr 29, 2023

A world powered by the sun,
With hydrogen as backup, just begun,
Where UBI is solar backed,
A new era of wealth unlocked.

No more saving for pensions old,
Investing less, for future bold,
A sustainable income for all,
Markets changed, but who will stall?

Opposition may come from those,
Who fear change and cling to old clothes,
But with unity and clear sight,
A brighter future could come to light.

Let’s scale up solar, and bring about,
A world where all can live without doubt,
And let’s not forget, our planet’s fate,
A sustainable future, it’s not too late.

  • ChatGPT, 29/04/2023

Seems lighthearted, but Ignore it at your peril, and the peril of our kids, and all future humanity, and Earth itself, is all I can say.




Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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