Solar stimulus will pay for whatever solar infrastructure is needed, with hydrogen backup, eliminating batteries. Widespread use of Hydrogen automaticaly does the carbon neutralisation over time that the system identified in Will's article is intended to do, so use hydrogen, and Captura is not needed. I've shown the solar stimulus principle to Ray before, and actually also Will, but they obviously still don't get it. People will be forced into the street soon by inflation removing our ability to keep companies in profit, food on our tables, and roofs over our heads, then they / we will demand free money, which will be given, and the value of the money will be seen to increase again, like it did when issued during covid, because it is backed by economic product created from solar, which can only be monetised by issue of free money. The capitalists hate this prospect, but they are going to have to suck it up, the value of all capital is dying in any case, because it only represents stored energy on Earth, our use of which is tailing off. This is something fundamental being missed by all of science, industry, and banks, so far which comes about from solar energy use, which is the only sustainable source, the only one with the sustainable thermodynamic effect, because it is mathematically positive, added to Earth, and donated, as opposed to mathematically negative.
Mathematically signing energy means we also have to mathematically sign money, at least as long as there is still money of two different kinds, money-as-debt, monetising extracted energy, and money for free monetising energy received for free, to indicate what kind of energy it represents
They know a little of this, but as yet, maybe have not figured it out completely, because figuring it out requires systems engineering specialists, very few of whom are willing to work for nothing, or Ai, which is capable of doing the systems analysis. I hope Ai flags it up very soon.
Here is more detail: