Solar indexed stimulus would remove our need to keep investing in the harm Ricky.
I think mainstream science has pretty much accepted that our net activity as stands is increase of entropy.
But what doesn't seem accepted or much known is that we could reverse increase of entropy if we used enough solar energy.
Definitely not much accepted is that profit can only increase entropy.
Profit is energy extracted from the planet.
So as long as we practice profit, we will keep adding to entropy instead of decreasing it.
Profit is the monetisation of destruction.
I can show all this by multisciplinary formal system analysis techniques how this works and why it's fact, but those techniques, developed in business are not something taught on many science curriculums, so not many scientists understand the value of that kind of analysis.
This keeps a lot of folk oblivious of the whole truth, by restricting their view to just a small subset relevant to their disciplines.
Another thing that seems to be missed, is indicated by the atmosphere being adiabatic.
This implies that the effect on measurable temperature, of a blanket gas would be minimal, because the gas is free to expand as a result of the gas molecules having added heat energy.
But we blame the measured increase of temperature on blanket gases such as CO2 and methane, both of these things resulting from profit driven business.
So what is the temperature increase if it isn't due to blanket gases?
Its a measure of increase of entropy, nothing more.
Its where we are on how much destruction we've done as a species to date.
But addressing blanket gases, or appearing to address them, is also very profitable.
Yer profit itself is more energy extracted, by some other means, probably far away, somewhere poor.
This is all profit without exception, all of it involved removing life / energy from the planet somewhere.
This is why even the fifth of money you identify, invested in seemingly "green" industry is not so green
It's still invested for profit, so actually it has to do more damage than it fixes.
This is the nature of blind, indiscriminate colonialism. It's a faceless, voiceless beast of our making, constantly stalking around the planet looking for victims, including Earth, anything living including humans, anything to return profit, even the robbery and killing of everyone robbed and killed, the profit, all profit, had to come from somewhere like this, somewhere bad. Profit doesn't care if it's trees cut down and sold at profit, oil extracted, or the genocide of kids for the land they are living on, as long as it makes the profit, it's satisfied.
None of us feels responsible for it, we always blame others for it.
But it's there, driven by the sum of us all using the dishonest energy lie of profit, mostly without us realising it.
How do we stop it?
Start issuing solar indexed stimulus.
On desertification, profit driven platforms will not propagate non profit information on how to reverse desertification. It won't forward stories that show why large scale airconned greenhouses that might be needed in areas desertified, can be powered by solar, yet decreasing entropy, or hydrogen powered by solar, or computing powered by solar, or actually anything powered by solar is just fine, because it decreases entropy, it creates rather than destroys, just because it's creation, the conversion of heat to things other than heat, not destruction.
Profit takes, always from somewhere, whilst we need to be giving.