Solar Hydrogen Ecology Community System Building Block — Public domain, no rights reserved, use as you wish, fill your boots.

Solar Hydrogen Solution Ecology — Basic Community Building Block

A brief glimpse showing the general principle.

Frederick Bott
4 min readSep 26, 2023


The diagram above shows the solution ecology basic building block as defined in the system model, dictated by analysis of the global energy problem.

System modelers should note this diagram is simulateable, when expressed in DMN (Decision & Modeling Notation), but that form is more visually complex, so not provided here.

Apologies to those with only mobiles to view, you might have difficulty zooming to the required magnification to see the identifiers on each block, but there is only so much we can do within Medium, I think this is as good as it gets, but you will need a PC to see it clearly I think.

All or some parts of this building block can be adopted by all communities.

Vitally important is the inclusion of hydrogen as the community energy backup medium, as this will become the bulk stored energy component, functionally replacing fossil fuels.

No other fuel type or battery technology or storage / backup solution delivers all of the system requirements of the hydrogen component, the energy storage medium. The list of benefits / requirements are long, including:

  • Functionally replaces fossil fuels (This has many, many sub-requirements, by many stakeholders)
  • Produces no pollution per Joule throughput. Heat in this Use case is not pollution, only a reduction of the proportion of energy put to use — therefore leaking to temperature, but this is still infinitely better than the current scenario of virtually no creation whatsover, only destruction and temperature rise, of extracted energy use at any efficiency.
  • Requires no per Joule extraction from Earth
  • Filtrates and circulates potentially drinking quality water
  • Filtrates and circulates breathable air
  • Converts to human consumable food (See “Solein”)
  • Has immediately practical mature technology for all aspects of use (Except some types of vehicles, but conversion is a routine Engineering task for fuel systems Engineers, suitably empowered and motivated)

Granted, this might seem impractical in the current profit driven, negative energy powered economy.

But we are not talking about the current economic scenario, we are talking about a donation based economy which is physically required by the nature of solar energy, and is being forced by nature, in order to actually Use solar energy, as required by the sun.

All of the arguments of efficiency and cost become irrelevant, when all is solar powered, because moving to that requires we move to that new kind of economy, one that effectively transmits the energy and economic product created to all people, in order that all can play their/our part in a new creative existence, rather than one being based on constant destruction.

Essentially, with energy donated for free from the sun per Joule, nothing asked in return, other than we use it wisely, creating things with it other than the heat it would become if unused, everything has to become for free.

The building block above is what I would recommend everyone should aim for in the communities relevant to them, in the event of issue of Kardashev Money, which if you understand the forces at work, will and is being forced by nature, devaluing all money until this is done.

One or two years of fully funded development of this after that will see us turn things around completely, to winding back down the global temperature.

Maybe five years after that, we will see a truly beneficial, fully sustainable world, with innovations in all areas of technology cascading to more benefits than we can imagine currently.

This used by all communities will quickly grow to energy availability much greater than any seen in history, to all people, not just some.

Concorde back in the air, why not. This is just one of many many things we could have, and should have still available, as well as an infinity of other beneficial things never funded, real cures for illnesses instead of just managing and maintaining symptoms of all problems for profit, and even creation of more problems for profit, that is what has to end, and will end.

This is the only possible survival, the system analysis shows why and how the profit driven economy locks us into certain destruction. We never did create with that economy, all we ever did by it was massage the energy around, whilst the whole time depleting planetary resources.

The solution above shows how we can move on, losing none of the modern conveniences, whilst actually removing all the barriers we had in the way of real beneficial progress, real creation.

It is a lot different from destruction, and we need to distinguish mathematically between what energy does what, destroys or creates, to know how to move away from destruction.

Anyone skeptical is most welcome to express their concerns here, I am more than happy to attend to those, provided they are stated reasonably. If you can identify actual errors, I will credit you with that, and they will be fixed, but arguments based on cost or efficiency will not be accepted, for the reasons already explained.

It can be an emotive subject, but none of us likes to feel insulted. So if you come in with blazing insults, or questioning expertise from an unknown background yourself, expect to be banned.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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