So you paint the faith of some folk as something to be mocked.
But what would you replace it with, no faith?
It isn't possible to have no faith, imho.
To me it looks like we replaced old faith with a faith only in money, and profit, and yet profit is an energy lie, which is in process of stealing all the energy from the planet, all the energy of life, painting that as creation, when it was destruction all along, and now we are starting to burn for it, that energy lie, we might be realising we finally need to accept what is the real difference between real creation, and real destruction.
Destruction makes the temperature go up, destruction is increase of entropy.
Creation makes the temperature go down, this is decrease of entropy.
Its only possible to create, using energy direct from source, energy from the sun.
It isn't possible to create at all using energy extracted back out of the planet from previous creation, this is destruction, which heats, no matter what way we cut it.
Isn't it more important that you / we all need to know this, rather then how to make fun of old faith, of any kind?
We might not be in this situation of a burning planet, at war with one another, living on the energy lie of profit which steals all the energy from the planet, especially the poorer places, if we'd respected just a few of those old rules a little more, like don't kill, don't steal, don't envy, yada yada.
If we can't question the system as stands using old rules, what rules do you think we should use?