So we have to end the profit monster. I think nature is doing this now in any case, it's the end of the powerful being able to use capital throw their weight around. This is the reason for the inflation we are seeing. Money issuers are not issuing money to monetise product created from solar, which is at its heart free energy.
Just because it's free doesn't mean the product is any less valuable, in fact it's more valuable, adding to Earth instead of subtracting from it.
The longer they fail to issue money on it, the more the money has to devalue, whilst the solar product inevitably ramps up, like the leaves on a new tree.
As soon as they issue the money, all for-profit trading stops, only bankruot company shares are left to purchase, those being bought up by the public, crashing into the markets with free money. Oil prices go negative, the environment starts to recover, and the dollar value starts to recover. All bankrupt companies become technically publicly owned.
We saw all this already, but it was all hushed up, and the perpetrator since cancelled.
He might be an obnoxious ass but he is still the only president who presided over an actual spike of environmental recovery.
It has to happen again, look at the factors crowding in, besides the free energy, Ai is taking the jobs of everyone who do what they do for money.
The folk who do what they do to be creative don't care much, they will create regardless. But the folk doing what they do for the money, well they are the ones freaking out.