So true, thanks for posting.
To be honest, I think I’ve wondered all of my thinking life why there seems such a distinct difference between white, and all other races.
To me, a white person talking about this, or thinking about this, is a Nazi looking in the mirror. (using the words of your wise advice, of another brilliant article of yours)
This might be why critical race theory is such a controversial subject, it seems like an inverse of Nazism, to examine race, seeking truth on why we are so damn nasty.
I read your post as a kind of gentle warning.
Thanks also for offering your sacrifice, I hope the folk who need to accept it will do so graciously.
Here is another, from my own detached analysis in return, though I don’t think you really need it, it probably helps to confirm;
Never underestimate the nastiness of whitey.
It knows no bounds, and is most powerful as a tiny minority. It even deliberately culls itself to achieve and maintain that minority.
It seems to be in most white folk, and the worst of it is that we mostly don’t know about it in ourselves, worst of all that we don’t want to know, we’d rather die first.
This deadly characteristic, which enables us to calmly throw a switch killing millions of “others”, without us ever realising or feeling any sense of guilt or remorse, seems far stronger in us white folks than any other.
Personally I wonder also about the part played by gender. Men mostly do the actual deeds of aggression, but women seem to have the greater ability of passive aggression, which is never seen as having to take any responsibility, yet is often the prime mover.