So true Amli, thanks for posting.
I got addicted to reading scifi at a very young age, though I only did it for a few years, I could guzzle a book per day, sometimes staying awake all night to read. I was the bookworm equivalent to what we now call Hokikomori.
I did read in one or two stories, how we would have unlimited everything, from the sun.
So lately I've found myself on a mission of showing how we will do it, and how to recognise that we are actually starting to do it, the tell-tale signs.
The biggest one recently is Bitcoin, the grand-daddy of proof-of-work tokens, which are actually money-as-sunlight, growing on human created trees, when we see them solar powered.
Further recently we are seeing solar powered green hydrogen production.
So not only free money, but also free fuel, now grows on trees.
The system trying to keep us locked into the world of limits, is banking, which exists on energy handled exclusively as capital (Stored energy), hence the reason our money has always represented capital.
But now it is coming to represent freely flowing solar energy, instead of the Joules that might exist stored in a piece of capital or fuel, it is becoming the Joules being received continuously from the sun.
So we are seeing in the markets the money representing work in progress as far more valuable than money representing work done.
We are seeing that movement of money manifest firstly as inflation, but what it actually means is the devaluation of all capital.
Of course those who have spent their lives gathering capital don't want to hear that, but it is the truth, and they are better off acknowledging it sooner, rather than later.
Even the community of hardened Bicoiners don't recognise this, they still see Bitcoin as a kind of capital, which explains why the sunny country of El Salvador, which just adopted Bitcoin as a national currency, seems intent on the precarious business of extracting its energy for Bitcoin from volcanoes, rather than just building some freely scaleable solar farms with established technology (Bitcoin in the solar reception chain makes maintenance and scaling of the solar farm, and everything supported by it, free, due to the availability of free money which can be spent on anything).
But the capital value of Bitcoin is becoming increasingly overshadowed by the value of ongoing the solar energy which had to be implemented, to create each new Bitcoin.
Hence the real reason it seems to me, that the Bicoiin miners were kicked out of China, the government there realised that the value of the solar energy being spent on Bitcoin, was more to the power utilties of the country, than they were seeing coming from the mining of Bitcoin.
That value is around 1MW of solar power implementation per Bitcoin, after Bitocin production ceases, by my calculations.
The coins will still be useful afterwards, but not as capital, but more as a tool of adminstrating the resulting massive solar power.
Anyway, long story short, we are in transition of something truly amazing, we are lucky to be seeing it happening in our lifetimes, the birth of humanity, a formerly embryonic species, from its dependence on the limited placental energy reserves of its mother Earth, to the unlimited energy of its environment, the sun...
With free money we can do absolutely anything, even make the oil price go negative, like we saw when large stimulus of 4Tn+ was issued in one month.
When the banks admit all of this, as they are going to have to, sooner or later, it will be time to celebrate, forever :)