I doubt your reference there - you have not provided any.
In any case, start to issue solar indexed stimulus, to incentivise and empower all to start doing. How long does it take to create a domestic or communtiy level solar hydrogen installation, given the money to do it? Months, if not weeks. This would happen in all communities at the same time. Given some supply hiccups that probably would happen, those might extend the entire process by another year. So two years max, for the whole conversion. Compare that with construction of nuclear, seven years.
Besides, the energy value in money is disappearing rapidly, due again to the failure to issue solar indexed stimulus, hence why the value in money that does not represent the only energy actually scaling up (solar), won't see us through development of any nuclear project to completion.
If you seriously want to reduce the temperature increase, have to stop the thing at the root of it - profit. Its the energy in profit that is extracted from the planet, and can't come from the sun.
Profit is monetisation of destruction, not creation. Destruction heats by definition. Destruction is the process of converting everything created back to just heat.
Solar indexed stimulus would be monetisation of creation, which fundamentally cools by definition