So in summary, not lots of things, actually just "Efficiency".
By the same logic, if we were running low on water from a reservoir, that we'd made last as long as possible, by ensuring we minimise leaks, and someone came along with a very leaky pipe, from an infinite, endless source which nonetheless had as much water flowing out of it as we could ever need, just by widening the pipe, we would dismiss it anyway because the pipe was leaking too much?
Do you know that hydrogen converts also to food?
Do you know that it also filtrates and transports water?
Can't do any of that with batteries, far as I know.
Did you know hydrogen fuel cells require no rare elements?
Ever realised that by converting sunlight to hydrogen, and food, valuable product is generated, which from a small installation, can be sold to fund the scaling up of the station (thus widening the pipe), so hydrogen is key to making use of solar not only free, but also freely scaleable, and forever maintainable?
That is what I mean by elaborating, and I only just scratched the surface. The more we look at it, I mean really look, the more god-signs we see all over it, whilst if we look hard at batteries, the only thing we can argue it has going for it is efficiency, which means nothing if the energy is being received for free.