So elevate Metcalfe's law to statutory and be done with it. Humans are obviously not capable of judging what is good and bad, other than working out things like Metcalfe's law, this is the best that can be done, on what is good and bad. It says quite simply banning, embargoing, cancelling, cutting off, of any kind is bad, it reduces the value of the network to the majority, where value means benefit, and the opposite is harm. The act of banning itself is a kind of harmful communication, it sends a harmful message by itself.
So the only sensible option is do the opposite of banning, ensure all have a voice, all get to state their opinions and beliefs. We can always cover our own ears by cutting ourselves off from things we don't want to see or hear, and we can and should do that for those not old enough to do that for themselves, who we are responsible for as their parents, we should never be too busy to look after them. I know, might sound hippocritical as I've been known to ban hecklers myself, but again this is something I have the freedom to decide, not someone on my behalf, we should be grateful for that freedom, look after it, its precious, whilst the cost of not looking after it could be existential, leading the blinded masses into world war and extinction, all by a few humans who thought they knew better than all the rest, and who had the ill gotten gains to force their view.