Smouldering. I didn’t recognise this story as yours Indi, though I did identify with every line of it.
You always write with no punches pulled, and that is a very good thing, I believe.
As a Systems Engineer, still working now and then in the pyramid, as some still have to, to earn a crust, I’ve taken some time to turn the tools of my trade towards examining the system we work in.
No-one pays us to do that, but I find it immensely satisfying, to be able to understand exactly how it works, how the system works to fool everyone into thinking everything is just fine.
The system is economic, but it is also even more so about energy, and maybe even religion.
I call it the Grand Energy Ponzi.
In essence, we use exclusively the energy of the Earth, instead of the Energy of the sun, the true source of all the energy of Earth, by worshiping money, the gearchain of capitalism.
So there is a very simple solution, and it is the only solution; switch the gearchain to the energy of the sun, the real driver of everything we know.
That is the part most seem not to be able to see, the reason most can still be fooled into believing the problem can somehow be fixed by profit driven activity, they miss the energy connection to the sun, blinkered by the idea that all things must be profit driven.
Lately I’ve even been thinking this might even be something actually religious, it makes my skin prickle, realising we are looking at something we seem to have been warned about, in our earliest memories as a species, of the things we call gods.
How did they know? We have to ask. And when we realise, it all fits together like a jigsaw puzzle.
I am not sure anyone specifically is to blame, the system seems to blind all, rich and poor alike.
The “Gods” of course knew this.
If we were not rich, we would be perfectly happy to just swap places with those who are.
That is the effect of it on us, it seems.
Part of the solution seems just to educate, I think.
This is the problem of all problems, and we will never fix it by force, I believe.
My thoughts on the Kardashev Hinge of Bitcoin still stand, and are reinforced by pretty much all ongoing events, as far as I can see.
I recommend anyone still not understanding the energy connection should have a read of it.