Frederick Bott
2 min readAug 2, 2021


Shelly I am guessing you might be more a Scientist than Engineer.

As an Engineer myself, from a family of accomplished Engineers, relentless optimism is something we are known for, and wear with pride.

All Engineering challenges start off as science fiction, and end up as reality.

In all cases, all solutions are gained with optimism.

Without that, we wouldn’t even try to change things for the better.

That is maybe the difference between Science, and Engineering, in my opinion.

That is the reason I have written previously to praise optimism, and I guess maybe the reason you write about it with reservation.

Right now we are facing the biggest Engineering challenge in our history.

If we see a solution, the success of which depends mainly on what we believe, then optimism is incredibly important, and the opposite of what you’ve said is true.

Lack of optimism is far more dangerous, surely.

I would ask you this one question; do you see a solution?

By that, I don’t mean something to manage some, or all the issues, but a fix; a real change, which changes everything.

If you can’t see one of those, then I don’t think it helps to say anything that might discourage others from seeing that there is.

My main message is that there is a very simple solution to all of the problems.

Monetise sunlight.

Throughout most of our history we monetised only capital, the capital of Earth, mostly beneath our feet.

And we undeniably worship money.

Now that sunlight is being monetised, increasingly by proof of work tokens, we are starting to notice key things happening, in response to other things. Things that could be missed with a pessimistic mindset, but which are easily explained with an optimistic mindset.

In the past ten years or so we’ve started to monetise sunlight.

It doesn’t take too much to work out then what is really happening, when we see oil prices go negative for the first time in history, currency issued as stimulus going up instead of down, and most importantly of all; spikes of recovery in the environment.

It simply has to be seen, to be believed.

For that we need optimism.

Maybe even relentless optimism.


With that, we might start to worship what comes from above, instead of what comes from below.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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