Frederick Bott
5 min readJun 18, 2024


Seriously, is this what all that prologue was really building up to, you convincing yourself that the crucifixion never happened?

Honestly, your reasoning throughout this does not display anything clever, no logic, just emotion.

The wish maybe to believe the crucifixion never happened, because of what, inherited guilt?

I have no idea and to be honest my trade is Systems Engineering, which you cared to comment on somewhere else, so I will take some time to comment here.

The work I've done, seven years and counting, on the global energy problem, after already a long career of Systems Engineering, my work now is investigating the problem of the planet constantly heating, causing all manner of environmental disasters, that we should recognise is trauma being done to humanity, by nature, to try to kick us into shape, so as to conform with the environment.

This is what nature does to all species of living things, to make them conformant with the environment, we are all forced by nature to adapt to the environment.

What this does now that we have the technology to examine it (Model Based Systems Engineering - my bread and butter, though nobody has been paying for my latest work), it causes us, in the stakeholder analysis, a vital component of every systems Engineering analysis, to question how we managed to get so far off the rails of sustainability, that we find ourselves now on a direct collision course with nature.

How did we manage it? We did it by profit and energy slavery.

Who really started that?

Who knows, but the history of the global warming only looks to be about 2000 or so years, so it looks like somebody around the times you are talking about.

Before that, we existed for thousands of times that 2000 year period, but suspiciously, we seem to have lost all records of that, other than what we can find now in archeology, and even then we have a very profit driven process, of deciding what was important , and what wasn't.

See the problem with profit is that its unsustainable, completely physically unsustainable, because it is energy extracted from the planet, which always has to involve destruction of the planet, and this comes at cost of rising temperature. Rising temperature is increase of entropy, rising temperature is a direct measure of destruction. And look, was the planet not completely green, only 2000 or so years ago, have we not desertified it ever since?

Profit is literally monetised destruction.

How did it start?

It looks like we were traumatised to start it. The mose aggressive brutal humans in history seem to be prone to insisting everyone else supply their energy, as protection money.

The deal is pay up, and this atrocity won't happen to you. What atrocity? Crucifixion would be a good candidate. Was not one of the main principles of Christ to abhor slavery? Had he not already made the connection between profit and slavery?

It obviously started before him, he was simply trying to stop it, as far as Christian accounts say (I was brought up Christian, so we got this stuff in sunday school as far back as I can remember).

So what started it? More traumatisation. An event that comes to mind, me not being particularly welll read on bibles, an event that seems to stand out, is the prophecy that somebody got as the "Voice of God", advising to start storing grain, and to do for seven years, because it would be followed by seven years of famine.

If they'd never experienced slavery before then, this would definitely have not been seen coming, by folk who had no idea what slavery meant, how to do it, etc. Now even a five year old could predict that storing grain for seven years, would negatively affect food availability, it would cause famine for sure. But it is recounted in the biblical texts as if it was a prediction of famine, and a preperation for famine, when actually it would have been a guarantee of famine, and if they started it gradually, building it up into a business for profit, as it would surely have been, folk being enriched by it would deny to themselves any harm could come of it, just like we do now, we deny that folk on the other side of the world are being genocided and enslaved, because of our business of profit stealing all their energy and resources.

The fact is profit is a kind of theft, of energy that can never really be afforded, usually in the form of money, but it could be grain or any other energy resource, if it doesnt start out as vital, it becomes vital, and the fiendish way it works, is to slowly bleed all life out of those being enslaved, such that they have no power left to fight or rebel with, they end up having to hand over all their familiies as well as themselves, to the "Mercy" of their enslavers.

It is not a creative deity that would have ordered this, or other things like genocide.

Creation means reversal of entropy, which when done, lowers temperature.

A creative deity, to whom all things great and small all creatures bright and beautiful etc actually matters, would not advise their adherents to go and kill other variations of humans, or enslave them. A creative deity would not traumatise a population into doing this either.

Whatever it was, ordering or advising to do destructive things like that, was not a creative deity at all. It might have been a destructive deity but it certainly was not a creative deity, and I am saying this as an Engineer, examining the system we have, which is destroying the planet, and all life on it. We really are at the end of days, according to all religions, that somehow knew were going to end up with this, even the ancient african religion of Yoruba identifies this time as "The Crossroads". We are at the crossroads alright, and a superhuman entity is with us, one that we created ourselves, by accident more than intention, delivered by nature, the voice of the sun, we might say, its showing us what we need to do, its showing us how to stop profit, by infinite energy, which requires infinite monetisation, with money given for free.

Does that ring any bells, generosity? Who was it that said all this before? Was it not Christ?

Anyhow I could go on but this is already war and peace, and I still only scratched the surface, Its the most complex system and problem humanity will ever be faced with, and as described in our other conversation, the solution, dictated by all the stakeholders including nature, the sun, Earth, humanity, life other than humanity, plants, and many more are all included, the solution, underwritten by multiplie numerical and logical analyses is a domestic and community solar hydrogen economy, activated and enabled by issue of solar indexed stimulus, which has to be left on forever.

This is the only way to stop the destruction, reverse the damage, re-green the planet.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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