seems to me you've based an awful lot of assumptions on hydrogen being irreplaceable when it isn't, it's an intermediary state of energy, it can be created very easily by electrolysis from solar, which is kind of ironic, there must be many galactic processes of hydrogen creation we don't know about, maybe even within our own solar system, there seems a tendency to think of things as always limited when they are maybe not, the big bang thoery itself seems a little like this, we search for certainty where there is none, we seek to quantify things that are unquantifiable, it looks to me, the same mindset begs us to believe energy always has to be from limited, scarcifyable resources, otherwise how can profit be made from it, all whilst profit itself is an energy lie, a dishonest energy con, which is the real thing killing the planet, whilst we look always out at those other places, looking to impose our own human limited mindset on them. It's interesting but very depressing maybe to realise this and be powerless to do anything about, seems to me.