Seems to me you are missing that one side has treated the other progressively more badly, taking advantage of its privelige over the years, it was always building up to a cull, and the cull is happening. It's a really white priveliged characteristic to not notice the injustice there Jared. You say you've visited both Israel and Palestein and both people live the same. Since when? Don't you know that Gaza is a prison camp, the Palestinians have lived for many years surrounded by armed Israeli armed turnstiles preventing access if they don't submit appropriate permit documentation and to random body searches. Africa has long identified Palestein as Apartheid. They want Israel to stand trial for the crime of Apartheid, go and checkout what the grandson of Mandela is saying right now, after grand daddy Mandela said it thirty years ago, when Arafat was in process of dying under long term house arrest, by the Israelis.
The problem I see going on here is you ignoring all of this, whilst the victims are being genocided, as if genociding them will destroy all evidence of their long term persecution.
It won't, it just means Genocide will be added to the long list of atrocities done.
The reason you can claim Hamas wasn't a legal government is that they have never had the freedom to elect a government, the Israelis literally will not let them.
In fact we might as well admit Hamas would not exist, if it hadn't had to form as a direct response to the relentless persecution of the Palestinians, by the Israelis.