See "Solein". Notice it can be created from solar energy, by electrolysis first to hydrogen. Hydrogen is the energy component of Solein. Notice when solar energy is put to use for anything at all, this is temperature reduction.
Notice hydrogen keeps aerospace flying whilst filtrating and circulating both water and air.
Notice hydrogen tech and solar tech are both atready ubiquitous, all available off the shelf.
Solein components are not sophisticated, just a mildly heated chamber for single cell organisms to grow within hydrogen atmosphere.
Notice its 70 percent protein.
Notice this is how plants create, and cool the Earth.
We could do too, if we just monetised the produce from solar, which more or less leans monetising sunlight.
Ww could do that by issue of solar indeed stimulus, enabling and incentivising everyone to buy the hardware we all need to do this.
Why don't we?