Scott, to me you are on the right track, if maybe slightly misinformed about the success of investors. They far more often invest in things that fail, rather than things that succeed, and what is the emotion to invest for profit anyway, if it isn't just more low-brow personal greed?
Looking at the system from outside, it is a no-brainer that we have already inflicted a thousand cuts to Earth by our greed driven, VC funded, money-as-debt, fossil fueled industry, the effects of the conventional war in Ukraine are already being seen, all around the world, in the environment, river levels are lowest in thousands of years.
A nuclear war right now, even just a small one, would be like the final chop to the neck, the heat energy emitted from such an event would be fatal to all of life.
On fusion, even if it became reality, what do you think would be the outcome, of the appearance of the most concentrated form of extracted energy we can imagine?
Of course it would be instantly taken control of by the biggest, baddest, most vicious forces we can imagine, and it would be under that rule we would exist thereafter.
We can see a power struggle going on, by the capitalists trying to retain the political power they always had, by wielding capital, deciding which projects and which people, are going to live or die, only those that make profit for them.
This is in the face of solar energy which is distributed by nature, scaling up as it has to in direct response to the environmental issues we are seeing, now at tens of GigaJoules per second in every country.
Yet no money is issued on that valuable product received, despite it being the most valuable product we can imagine, the essence of the creation of nature, the same energy as created everything we know.
Because it was donated to us, not extracted, therefore it is not compatible with money issued for debt, which in the end is only a promise to do the labor of extraction.
See the issue?
A clear picture of what is good and bad is starting to appear, we have to admit religions have a point after all, these are the end days, there are two distinct forces at work, one trying to tie us into continuing to suck the remaining finite energy from Earth, and the other trying to offer us relatively unlimited energy from the environment of Earth.
Can you see this is a similar situation as a baby?
Food is being offered on a plate to the baby, whilst it only knows how to suck the last few drops of energy rich milk from its now dying mother.
Seeing it like this, we should realise where we are really at, as a species, it is incredibly important that we overcome the forces trying to stop us being born into a fully robust, sustainable species, that is those who exist still only to wield capital, now we have to move from capitalism, to energyism, and the only way we can do that is by honoring the donated energy of nature, by issuing money reflecting it, to all people.
That is the only way we can pay back our real debt to Earth, it is an energy deficit we have built up, by always sucking our energy from it, now we have to pay it back, in the only way possible, by grabbing the food offered on the plate, and passing some on to our mother.
A clue how we will do that, donating energy product of our output to Earth, is "Solein", have a look at how that will not only feed humans but also animals.
We also create hydrogen fuel which functionally replaces fossil fuels with none of the pollution, giving us all the same convenience and security of the same.
And all of it is donated to us.
So to reflect it free money has to be issued.
Like when we saw $4Tn per month in the US previously, that was actually fully sustainable, as the dollar went up, not down, but it stopped, by those holding capital, and the power to issue money, because they realised they were no longer calling the shots in markets, oil prices went negative, shares in companies which were bankrupt by the old rules, but still offering known loved products and services were being bought instead, because no-one was interested in profit, they were all trading with free money.
The courts allowed that to continue by changing the law to allow trading in bankrupt stocks, and big capitalists including Warren Buffet fled the markets claiming something had gone wrong with money.
They had lost control, so the free money was stopped, despite it being backed by received solar energy.
So now we see money devaluing again.
Realistically, I don't believe fusion, or even nuclear power of any kind, other than a fatal detonation can occur, due to the rate money is devaluing, no matter how much capital anyone thinks they own, it is being physically outweighed by the solar energy being received.
The sooner they acknowledge this, by honestly issuing the currency needed to fully represent it, again, we will see the value of all money-as-debt devalue to nothing.
No way will it hold value for long enough to do projects of more than the year or two needed to go fully solar powered.
Going solar, as I believe we have to, for any kind of existence we would call survival, would also remove pretty much all motivation of everyone to raid the resources of others.
The days they can keep calling that "Fun" are coming to an end, it seems to me.