Sari, please beware of artiicles by the anonymous inddivdual that is B. I watch with dismay as many well meaning and clever people are fooled into the trap being set by that individual, B has no need to take any responsibility to for what they are claiming, and actually not much of it is true.
I am banned from seeing the articles of B, because I confronted them with my opinion that they work for banks, and I guess they didn't like that much.
On hydrogen, I have spent a lot of time using hydrogen tools and my usual systems Engineering tools to confirm where it sits in the future ecology, it has many what I call "God signs" all over it, for want of a better term, it solves many technical problems of the new solar powered world coming next. We need to be able to see the world coming next to fully understand it.
Appropriate use of hydrogen will elinate batteries in most applications, and it is the energy ingredient converting directly to food (See "Solein") which will remove some of the burden of humanity from the conventional food chain without having some kind of cull, as I believe B tries subtly to induce folk to believe.
It further solves the problem of drinking water shortages as a by product of its use.
The concerns expressed over hydrogen efficiency or cost are superseded when we realise that input energy suppling it, ie solar, are for free, really, physically free per Joule, unlike any other form of energy.
I am with Ray and everyone on their concerns over BP and their involvment with hydrogen.
But I see clearly it is impossible to use solar, (the ultimately required input energy for truly green hydrogen), for profit, however it is carved up and represented.
This certainty comes from my expertise in systems Engeineerng, and a little in business, and applying energy systems for most of my life. I've done my best to explain it in my 300 odd stories to date in medium, but obviously have not been successful in conveying the information good folks such as yourself and Ray, my fault entierely, though I won't stop trying :)
BP will fail with whatever they try to do for profit with solar energy, for the same reason facebook are failing with what they are trying to do with virtual wolrds (More of my experience), it can't be for profit, because the energy is flowing in the wrong direction to sustain them. The energy to sustain has to come from above, it can't come from below, but profit depends on energy from below.
I would advise everyone to just sit back and enjoy the show, of BP making fools of themselves, and losing.
All I can say is they must be getting desperate, like facebook were, to be trying to "muscle in" to something they can't actually know about :)