Russell I've been on this for quite a few years since seeing it coming during PhD candidate work. So I was watching closely when trillions per month stimulus was issued in US. Yes it was issued to the elites, but so much was issued, a fair bit sloshed out to "The masses", something like 10K dollars per head per month, for everyone in the US, all 300 million or so souls.
Many of those souls, who never traded in markets before, joined, using the Robinhood app, which had fortunately arrived just in time. Those people flooded the markets with free money, not buying things for profit, but because they wanted to rescue the things they recognised from bankruptcy, things like cars for hire, and cruises on ships, all things they anticipated being able to use with their newfound wealth. Hertz was rescued, amongst a few other big names, who were going bankrupt at the time. Further oil went negatively priced, the only time in history, and the environment made a spike of recovery that even many scientists had claimed was impossible, including recovery of coral etc.
Warren buffet lead a kind of "Strike" of the traditional whale investors, out of the markets, leaving only those still trading with free money. The laws in some US courts were changed to allow the remaining traders to carry on buying up shares in bankrupt companies, because it was the only trading still going on. Buffet claimed "Something had gone wrong with money", hence his withdrawal. All the while, the dollar itself went up in value in markets, not down like conventional economists claimed would happen.
What the folk trading with free money were demonstrating, was pure fine-grained democracy, the only time in history.
All of this was very quickly played down afterwards, not surprisingly, by the most powerful forces behind the media. They cancelled the perpetrator - Trump.
Coincidentally, or maybe not; Trump's uncle, who Trump was apparently quite close to, was the person who inherited the documents of Nikola Tesla, and Tesla was cancelled around 1900, during the work of his Wardenkliffe project, which was effectively to deliver solar sourced energy to all people, after he claimed that with free energy had to also come free money.
He was cancelled by JP Morgan. I wonder who cancelled Trump.
Money in that sense, is just a carrier of energy.
Thiis looks like a bit of a secret which has been kept a very long time, but nature is now finding a way to push it into realisation.
Like I said also to "Gift of fire", this is a physical process, not something that can be changed by anyone's will, it is a result of the collective action of humanity, a much better result than the collective action of humanity working at profit (Destruction!), this is actual creation.
You are an Engineer, perhaps this will make sense to you:
Humanity is actually a giant machine, like a plant, which is just waiting to be switched on, by the application of a constant constant current (flow) of money.
The flow of money through humanity will carry out the same function as the nutrients in a plant, which are issued in response to reception of Joules by its leaves.
Humanit has just formed its first leaves, in he form of solar farms all over Earth.
Now all that remains, is for us to conduct that energy to Earth, by doing our thing with it - creating.
We might see this is the birth of a fledgling, like anything born, it moves from being dependent on the energy of its mother host (In our case, Earth), to the energy of the envionment of the mother host (The sun).
All of this looks inevitable to me, I don't see any way around it, short of maybe a nuclear war, which isn't out of the question I guess. But that is the unthinkable, we have to assume survival, thus no nuclear war, it seems to me, though we should keep an eye on that, it is set to escalate to the unthinkable, if nothing is done about it.