Robert, indeed it is easy to make blanket assumptions about people and their businesses, and I could be often guilty of that, so my apologies if I misjudged in your case.
My flaw is maybe partly due to trying myself to run truly beneficial profit based businesses in the past, and seeing that the final choices in those ventures always seems to come down to a choice between one or the other, to continue profiting, or to offer any benefit at all, they appear ultimately mutually exclusive to me.
Hence the reason I’ve resorted now more to a non-profit business entity, though I think it would be great if we could just dispense with them all, hence the thinking in my piece on the ultimate ICO. Wouldn’t it be a cool way of life, for all of us, if all we needed was the always present, semi-informal collective of the public to approve and fund everything we do as individuals?
I will follow your other links, thanks for taking the time to check out mine, and for interacting.
I wish you every success for the future with liecourt.