Robert if you followed the links I gave you, the answer to the question you are asking is there. But for the sake of conversation, I will try to summarise my view of economics, as I see it:
Economics to me is a system, the closest thing we have in our human system which serves a similar purpose in humanity as the system of nutrients in nature, flowing in trees and through Earth, transporting Joules of energy from the sun to all living things.
The problem with our economic system, compared with the economic system of nature, is that ours hooks us into Joules of energy that we need to expend work on, to extract from materials and stores of energy in our planet, which are all finite, whereas the Joules of energy from the sun are endless and limitless, infinitely scaleable, and all donated, pushed to Earth for free, no extraction needed.
We might notice our economic system is similar to that in a pre-born organism, feeding from its mother, like a human baby feeds from its mother via umbilical and placenta, or a chicken that feeds from its mother via the yolk in its egg, or a plant before it sprouts leaves, drawing nutrients from Earth.
At some point, our species has to be born, or perish at birth.
We have just sprouted our human equivalent of leaves, in the form of solar farms all over Earth.
To complete the transition, all we need is for banks to see this, and start issuing the money reflecting the solar product being received, and all is fixed, it seems to me. Like the tree, we would rapidly scale up the remaining solar energy infrastructure needed, after it becomes general knowledge that the more solar infrastructure we put in, the more wealthy we become with the financial stipend scaling up accordingly.
We've seen the effects of free money already when 4Tn per month stimulus was issued in US, the dollar itself went up in markets, as did shares in technically bankrupt yet still loved companies, whilst the prices of capital like gold languished, and the known harmful product oil went negatively priced, the only time ever (People were trading with free money via the Robinhood app), and the environment itself saw a brief spike of recovery, the only one ever.
Yes pigs might fly, but nature is forcing this one, she is at check, with one move to mate, it seems to me, the money will inevitabley continue to devalue until the right thing is done.
From a philosophical point of view, we might say nature is the grand authority, her currency is energy, the single issuer and enforcer of it is the sun, we have to use it or get our asses burned, and right now, our asses are starting to burn.