Right there you hit the problem with how society has worked to date. All “successful” people and business basically rides on top of the work and energy done by others, possessing it, stealing it.
Every one of us in the “more developed” parts of the world does it, knowingly or not, and gets punished if we don’t play our part.
Every activity for profit involves possessing whatever we can claim to possess, witholding things desirable or even essential until a price is paid. The more effectively we can do that, the better we get at screwing our fellow humans, then we are congratulated for that, by media driven by the same drive for profit, and absolutely rewarded for it.
Now we can see also life itself has become secondary to profit, we are on the decline.
Obviously it has to change.
We have to remove the thing that makes profit itself desirable, and even essential.
Scarcity is what makes profit possible.
Scarcity removed, removes all incentive and advantage of profit.
Who would buy a glass of water from someone else standing under a waterfall?
And why not remove scarcity, if we have the power to do it, if no-one loses by that, but all gain infinite wealth?
The richest enjoy endless free money.
Why not all?
I’ve written a lot about this lately, it is all about energy, and where we get it from, physically limited secondhand energy from our planet, or unlimited firsthand energy from the sun.
It is happening with Bitcoin, money-as-sunlight, added to our previously zero-sum, money-as-debt economy, but the economists, and even Bitcoin investors including Musk, don’t yet acknowledge it.
The solution is right there in front of us.
But still we seem not to see it.
it isn’t publicised much, on media for profit.