Rex you should know this is something I have analysed using formal systems Engineering tools thirty years in which I have worked with, as finally a Chartered Engineer as well as on a PhD candidate project. I've been doing this analysis voluntary for the past five years, it is all documented here in Medium. You seem to be the one concerned with credibility, I think if you are worried about that, you should research my work a little more before commenting. If you did that, you would see that this work is not "An idea", it is no more than observation of nature. Nature appears to have been unconcerned with economics until recently, but all of that changed when we got to the end of usable energy on Earth. Now we are starting to use the energy from beyond Earth, from the sun, economy has to change in exactly the same way as the nutrients in a plant change, when the plant shoots its first leaves.
Our economy is no longer isolated from nature, since we started using solar energy. Now, our economy is part of nature, as it had to become, whether we like it or not, and that changes everything, including a number of misconceptions the conventional scientific community has about the origins of things, including energy on Earth. It wouldn't have mattered, if we weren't now connected to the sun, but then we would be extinct. We are still on the path to going extinct, until we make the required change to economy, and that is to issue the funds ncessary to honestly represent the value of energy being injected into our economy from the sun. As long as we don't do that, we have to have inflation which will not stop until all currency is devalued. This is the physical reality, which is obvious, when you do the research using tools and experience like mine.
Does that clarify things for you?