Review: Solar Energy Page of “The World Counts” Website.

Website Review

Frederick Bott
4 min readDec 29, 2022


Firstly, I should say this resource is the best of its kind I know of.

I don’t know another website that gives a live display of a numerical count of Joules striking Earth. Three cheers for the good folks there at the world counts, for having the insight and inspiration to provide this really cool inspiration for others.

So I hope the comments here will be taken positively.

The counter is diplayed on a nice global view of Earth, giving us a good impression of those Joules from the sun, raining down on Earth.

It provides what looks like a very useful code snippet, designed to be included in webpages and blogs, which theoretically should give a live running count of the Joules striking Earth, that we could include in our stories (I would love to have that as an active footnote in every story I write), but I could not get it to work in Medium. This could be due to an incompatibility in Medium, who knows, but either way it does not appear to work here.

Further, we can provide no link directly to the solar energy counter web page, all we can do is post a link to the “Renewable Energy” section of the World counts, like the one below. Then it is up to the user to navigate to the solar energy page. The page URL does not change to a specific solar energy URL in the process of navigation:

So some improvements could be made by (a) providing a direct link to the solar energy page, and (b) checking out and rectifying why the html code snippet does not work in Medium.

Although the site in general goes with the flawed concept of “Renewables”, the solar energy page is special, by enabling us to almost feel the effects of the Joules of energy coming from the sun, just looking at the Joules numerically piling up, growing, an obvious process of the overall creative process occurring on Earth.

It makes it clear to us, that nature is the real creator, creating things overall at a mind-boggling rate. Creation, is everything those Joules landing on Earth do. Then we come along and destroy many of those things created, to extract the energy we use, to do most things as a species to date.

It discusses energy, including solar energy in terms of EROI, which again is a flawed concept, related to the “Renewables” concept.

For calculation of EROI, a product lifetime has to be defined which doesn’t exist in reality, but this is presented as something that needs to be understood by readers wishing to gain greater insight into “Renewables”.

Often, the lifetime of a single panel, or population of panels, is used to define the lifetime of a solar farm. But of course the lifetime of a tree is not limited by the lifetime of its leaves. So why do we think the lifetime of panels has to limit the lifetime of a solar farm?

No-one can be blamed for the current misconception of energy, given that there is a missing mathematical description of energy.

This has never been clarified by science, because it undermines the validity of all things being done at profit.

Science, has effectively sold oil, and actually all forms of extracted energy, by telling only part of the truth about energy, in the same way as advertisements for all things tell only part of the truth.

This is a systemic effect of profit, a concept which absolutely requires extracted energy to exist.

Using positive energy requires that we issue money on it.

Not doing that, results in money losing all relationship with actual product created, this with no destruction and no pollution, only creation.

Why is a KWhr of energy from the utility company valued in markets, whilst KWhrs of energy from the sun, received by domestic and community solar farm owners worth nothing?

Because they are received for free, after installation of the infrastructure to receive them, effectively putting them to use, they can heat our homes, and create hydrogen fuel, and even food (See “Solein”), whilst filtrating and circulating drinking water to all, whilst relieving nature of our burden from nature, actually converting our burden to positive work, assisting nature to do the work of positive creation.

The World Counts website fails to make all of that clear, like conventional (Profit driven) science.

But it is a very positive website, on the subject of solar power (Mathematically positive energy).

It just misses the point that it could be so much more positive, if it did not follow the line of mainstream (Profit driven) science, by talking about “Renewables” and EROI, but rather, clarified the difference between mathematically positive and negative energies.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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