Why society exists: The same reason as it exists in strategic animals, like wolves etc, hierarchy builds instinctively favouring the strongest, the alphas, to compete with rival hierarchies over territory (capital).
We each have within us human logic and animal instinct. By formally promoting capitalism we are not only allowing the animal instinct to drive us, but we are using logic to build on it, by creating things like fiat currencies which are manipulated to leverage the competition to our advantage.
When we see that, then it is obvious what society is for.
How to organise it:
We don’t.
Organisations are a manifestation of the animal instinct to appoint leaders and form hierarchies.
We must use our logic to see that, to work out what needs to be done to counter it.
Logically, it can only be countered by removing the source of the conflict, the thing driving us to create hierarchies (society) and manipulateable currencies to more effectively war with one another, the thing that gives leverage to possession of territory (capital); Scarcity.
We have to eliminate scarcity.
It is being done, by the monetisation of a very specific energy, sunlight.
Those who attack that are simply seeking to preserve the old ways of scarcity.
Those who watch it with interest, analysing it, understanding its inevitable outcome, quietly celebrate, maybe talking about it now and then in forums like Medium, imagining the kinds of system that might work in complement with it in the very near future.
It isn’t about organising any longer, it is about building, with logic.
Building the new world, based on abundance, not scarcity.
There, is the real revolution that the profit driven will never acknowledge or talk about, but it is happening all the same.