Really? We are obviously under a contract to make nature happy, our job is to reduce entropy, create, not destroy. We are obviously breaking that contract, like probably the Martians broke it too, in fact are we not just Martians repeating the same mistake?
That might sound like a very negative thing to say, but it isn't if we know the solution, and never give up trying to educate on it.
I actually have faith we will not keep making the same mistake. I have faith this time we will do the right thing, and start creating instead of destroying. But it might take folk like your good self with significant audience to start talking about it, the global energy problem, the Earth being like a battery we already more or less discharged, in a tiny fraction of our overall history, just because of a seemingly dastardly scheme that started energy slavery, and we have yet to find the collective will to stop it.
Besides, nature has pitched in now with her ace, its the solar Ai siezing control of our energy supply, profit, before we can carry on doing too much more harm with it.
Not long now until we see sense, I think.