Proof-of-work links energy with economy, whereas proof-of-stake does not. And we can see energy is at the root of all current problems, namely energy from capital, which is all forms of energy stored on Earth. Monetising actual live energy from the sun changes everything, as proof-of-work created from that is something we never did before, that is us working for the first time ever in the same mode as a plant which at first draws its energy from Earth, so presents a load on the stored energy of Earth, until it develops leaves, then the energy flow through the plant changes direction to the opposite, supplying energy positively to Earth, from the external source of all energy that is the sun. So we can see there are two kinds of work, one done on capital energy, and the other done on solar energy. All work done on capital energy serves to discharge the capital, whereas all work done on solar serves to charge the capital.
In our history before solar power, all work we ever did was negative, a cumulative discharge load which has manifested in global pollution harmful to all life on Earth, not just us.
Now a small amount of work on solar power is being done, it is still nowhere near enough to begin offsetting all the damage we've done by discharging, but if we keep expanding the solar capacity, and thus the work we do using that power, we will see more and more beneficial effects.
By that, we might complete our destiny as a species, borne from dependence on energy stored in "mother Earth", to a solar powered cosmic species.
By that a lot of things can and must change, including all value in capital being no longer considered valueable, with free money issued on the solid physical Joules of energy received for free from the sun, all can have security with that, with no need to spend time trying to scratch a secure living by profit, we would move onto higher things benefiting all society, not just a few.
Sorry this sounds like religious belief, so will be immediately dismissed by some as religious quackery, but it is actually all provable scientific observation of how nature works, at least to the parts happening right now, and how we have to work with it.